All my support. Love love love to you. I feel like fasting heals my bingeing and even when a person's weight is not at absolute clinical morbidly-obese levels, there is a real, central problem to be healed in the bingeing/eating-when-eating-is-not-okay-with-you. I feel like for health to be obtained, really subtle signals have to be obeyed, "stop-eating" signals and "don't-eat" signals. I know I feel better when I can follow these signals. I feel like my body is so significantly damaged by the decades of compulsive overeating that although I control my weight now, it is absolutely crucial for me to reform my eating habits even more, so that I completely surrender to every signal my body gives me to keep food out of my mouth. I think fasting facilitates hearing these signals and is therefore a key to healing.
A lot of people exercise while fasting. I don't merely because I haven't formed the positive habit of exercise. I find that the more still I remain (many ppl lie in bed all day and I more or less do this) the more ill I become fasting -- the more intense the detox. I like the idea of detoxing to the maximum extent possible, but I almost wish I were capable of moving around more, since getting so very ill often frightens me off a fast, and I know if I could fast longer I would get real benefits (it might sound "harsh" to fast long times but is in fact one of the gentlest, if not the gentlest, thing one can do for one's body, I feel)... also, I feel like having the experience of fasting many days and not just a few has a great psychologically healing effect.
I don't drink anything besides water when I fast, but this is only because if I drink anything else, I get really ill. If I could tolerate zero-calorie drinks, etc. I would use them, probably, though I would like to do water only as it is more appealing... I think there are people who say that even one calorie will do something or other but I've never felt convinced by their thinking.
Right now I am fasting and am pretty ill. I'm in detox. I'm completing my third day fasting, so by all accounts I am in the most difficult time of a fast of any length. I don't know if I am going to last. I joined a fasting thread here but (I felt terrible) didn't post on it because my commitment was so fragile.
For me, to fast successfully requires that I come some way toward giving up the bingeing habit at the outset; especially, I think, being resigned not to binge after the fast. I've committed myself to never bingeing again, because of a choking /health scare I have just been through. My pledge to myself is that I will never eat more than 300 to 400 calories at a sitting and wait adequate times between sittings.
I wish you all the love in the world because that is what I think it takes -- for me, personally, anyway,-- to get honest and vulnerable enough to achieve the ability to fast at some length, through all the false starts and setbacks. The love IS there for you!