Hello every on cure zone my story so far….
Male 48 years old and l've been cleansing for last 6 years,after falling ill at work.
With pains through my body diarrhea for 3 years, no energy, falling a sleep during the day headaches and finger nails nearly falling off in one week.
No doctors could fix me and tried to put me on antidepressants.
There was not way l was going to take these,as l had so much drive and energy before.Something happened to me but what???????
Don't ask me how l ended up here because l really don't know.Or was it because l was so sick,that l asked for gods help.
Well the journey.
Liver Cleanses @ least 50
kidney cleanse blessing herbs x 3
3.bowel cleanse blessing herbs x 3
juicing daily green and carrot as gerson 3-5 daily
5.coffee enema's every day 1 or 2 depending on toxic
6.changed diet
7.maybe 60 % better but still not the me l know!!!!
8.Last month asked for more help & found vit d and iodine
Well vit d 10,000 iu a day and felt very chatty 2 days later what is happening to me.Then l sent away for some
Iodine 50 mg and started taking 1/2 teaspoon of
Sea Salt in the mornings.OMG will this last????? Yes for one month now.I have my drive back.
I aslo started my teenage boys on 12.5mg daily 19 year old had no enery for football getting better
But the 16 year old, who stays in his room a lot and doesn't socialise with us.Is chatting his head off,what a blessing to see.
I'm hoping this is the answer I'v been looking for……at last.
cheers darren