A quick "disclaimer" :) - Most of us know that Dr. Schulze is quite a character (to say the LEAST). There will be a bit of "PG language"; there will be strong ego; there may be somethings that you consider to be "BS about your BS" (Belief System). So please (please!) don't 'throw the baby out with the bath water' because you don't like his personality or a tiny percentage of what he says is offensive or disagreeable to you. And remember, whenever someone says something and our initial response is "I am SURE you are wrong"...then there's a very strong possibility that our mind is in some way closed or we are lacking information...so for every "you're wrong" we think, we need to be sure and 'bookmark that' or relisten (while thinking of the various ways someone else might consider it to be "right"). Remember: "The only way to know...is to grow."
A quick note on the book above - it's definitely "general" and nothing as specific or concentrated as Dr. Schulzes true "IP" (IP is short for Incurables Program), but it's still full of excellent information. I wish I had one to give to everyone I know - just reading through it will make a HUGE difference in your health & life. And since knowledge IS the key to attaining & achieving control of our health, this book is a "healer" all by itself :)