I just wanted to post what cleared up my Acne problem. Not any cream or more vegetables, colodial silver or other "miracle cures". I actually got up to 10 Liver Flushes but that didn't help either.
What helped for me I found out by aa coincident. When I started cutting out grains, sugars and everything that spikes the blood Sugar level, my Acne cleared up completely. Try it out for two weeks I say!
Doing this was very effective for me as well. I made an effort to follow the paleo diet, which essentially is eating a very basic diet of fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, and very limited dairy and grains. You can think of it as going back to our ROOTS as cavemen.
Great news, isn't i?! Thanks a lot for sharing this link and for sharing itself. I think i could recommend this to my friend and sister with Acne problems. Both have the same sensitive skin type - oily, very prone to acne.
thanks again.