I go for a diets for a couple weeks and i binge eat on junk food it's tough. I think I've lost hope in ever getting better
I think because I was on a strict diet for 3 months!!!! that is a long time I was so commited and my smell did get a little better but not what i was looking for. My naturopath told me it would take 3 months he got my hopes up so high that when it didn't go away i was so disapointed everytime i go on a diet know I just can't do it. I'm not tough enough. I still get all the f***ed up comments and even that's not enough to help push through. It doesn't help that while i'm on my diet people are still cruel about my odor and that sure doesn't help anything
makes me all depressed. I suffer with different odors mainly
fecal 24/7 it's like a sweaty fecal smell gross I know. any advice you guys i would appreciate it.