Do you routinely buy items that aren't expected to be safe?
People do it all the time. It is called buying pharmaceutical drugs. Unfortunately they are not regulated as tightly as they really should be, nor are they tested thoroughly by independent sources rather than the manufacturer alone. So the drugs end up killing hundreds and injuring thousands before the FDA even takes a quick look in to them. If there is enough public pressure the FDA will finally ban the deadly drug and fine the manufacturer a few million after the manufacturer has made tens of billions of dollars on the product.
And if the criminal acts of the manufacturer is exposed the FDA targets the whistle blowers. Look at the case a while back in which the FDA was caught approving UNTESTED drugs in exchange for payoffs. Nobody from the manufacturer or the FDA went to jail over it. Yet the FDA targeted the pharmaceutical company that blew the whistle for repeated harassment.
The ideology that just because it's "natural" or "herbal", it must be safe (or effective) isn't necessarily always true.
I have never seen anyone claim that. Beef can cause damage as can milk, or any spice you want to use with them. So should you require a prescription to get any of these to protect your health?
I find it interesting that officials claim that herbs have no effects on the body unless they are adverse effects. In other words they claim that herbs cannot cure disease because they have no effects on the body. But then they say they are dangerous because of the effects on the body.
The article mentions aristolochia causing two cases of kidney disease. Compare that to some pharmaceutical drugs such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, etc.) that killed two dozen people during clinical trials from ibuprofen induced hepatitis. Yet, this drug also well known for causing kidney failure, heart attacks, stroke, fatal hemorrhaging, etc. was not banned, it was approved by the FDA. And this highly toxic drug was so dangerous it had to be obtained by prescription until the patent ran out. Then somehow this same drug somehow miraculously became safe enough to be sold over the counter and even safe enough that the FDA approved it for children.
Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs kill an average 16,500 people a year according to FDA estimates. Yet they are sold over the counter like candy. But any herb suspected of causing some harm has a big bullseye painted on it by the FDA and other officials around the world.
The FDA fast track approved the drug DDI in 18 months after the dug killed 132 people from pancreatitis. AZT has potentially killed hundreds of thousands of people as has chemotherapy dugs with full FDA approval. But they make sure that the deaths are not listed to being caused by the drugs so the public never really catches on to their real safety issues. For example, how many average people are aware that the drug AZT is actually one of the primary causes of the syndrome called AIDS? Or that all chemotherapy drugs are carcinogenic and according to experts kill 95% of the people undergoing this quackery primarily due to the malnutrition they induce? Yet when people die from AZT the death is listed as AIDS instead. And if they die from the chemotherapy the death is listed from cancer.
They even blame herbs for pharmaceutical mishaps. Look at chaparral for example. A while back the FDA tried to ban chaparral because of 13 isolated cases of hepatitis in people who happened to be taking chaparral. What the FDA left out was that these same people were taking pharmaceutical drugs well known for causing liver failure and/or had pre-existing liver failure. This also helps to explain why with thousands of years of use that no cases of hepatitis from chaparral use had been reported nor any since even though the use of chaparral was never banned. All of a sudden though when it was exposed that many of these people were taking liver damaging pharmaceutical drugs the FDA quickly backed off and dropped the subject.
This all just goes to show that this has NOTHING to do with protecting the public and EVERYTHING to do with protecting the profits of pharmaceutical companies groups like the FDA have illegal investments and ethics violating ties with.
As more proof the FDA requires that all adverse events from supplements be reported no matter how minor they are. The FDA has no such requirement for pharmaceutical drugs even if they result in injury or death. It is clear that herbs and supplements are targets for the FDA to protect their own investments and the gifts and high level jobs FDA officials get as payoffs from the pharmaceutical companies as was reported by an ex-Commissioner for the FDA.
Well said James, could you tell me what this means for small retailers in the UK like myself who sell raw herbal powders etc? Sounds to me like the law will put people like you out of business unless you have a doctor on staff to write the prescriptions. However I doubt if the people over there are going to take this lying down. People in England and Europe are not as apathetic as Americans tend to be when it comes to having their rights taken away.
I must disagree, James. Europeans don't have right to own firearms. In fact, most Europeans don't even have a right to freedom of speech. In Britain people lack even the right to adequately defend themselves against home invasion. Things are deteriorating rapaidly in the US, but on the whole, Europeans are even more pushed down.
The concept of freedom is really a facade. We do not have the rights you think we do here. For example, we are supposed to have the right to peaceful protest. Yet the authorities require a permit to organize a protest, even though permits are not required for a right. And people are arrested or harassed for protesting here all the time. And if you think we have a right to free speech just try making a valid, proven health claim for a health product or food. You are only allowed to say things that are approved. Look at how many people have been arrested here in the US for protesting a president or ex-president. For example the lady who lost her son in Iraq. She was invited to a political party for the former president. But she was wearing an anti-war T-shirt so they arrested her and charged her with trespassing. How can she be trespassing if she was invited? Answer, she was not trespassing. She was only charged with that because they could not charge her with exercising her right to peaceful protest. Then there is the fact that the government can now wiretap phones without a warrant, and in some states they can do searches without a warrant......... Again, we do not have the rights that we are told we do nor the rest of the world is told.
One thing I was really impressed about when I was in Iceland was that the doors to the presidential office were open. If a citizen had a gripe they could walk right in an air their grievance. Try that here in the US and you will be arrested before you can say one word even though the president is our employee and we should be able to discuss our grievances and even fire him or any other governmental employee if they are failing to do their job or are are using their position for corrupt purposes. Bush for example should have not only been fired, but he should have also been tried for treason. But again we do not have any real rights, it is all an illusion.
Back to Europe and the UK though at least many Europeans and people in the UK are fighting for change. Here is the US people are way to complacent when it comes to their rights.