I'm sick due to moving into a house with a mold problem. There is nothing involved that cannot be easily explained. "Souls" and Demons and voodoo and astrology and magic and bronze-age mythology have nothing to do with it. I have zero respect for ignorance. What? My invisible friends aren't good enough? I can't imagine living in a world where my invisible friends don't exist. They give my life meaning. You have some respect for the neurological discussions I have with myself and show some respect for my delusions and the geographic deities I was indoctrinated into believing in. Want the IM info? You don't know what you are missing out by not believing in my all-knowing, invisible sky friends! They really love me & decided to create something that reproduces inside my eyeballs. It's all so clever, that my mind will never grasp it's complexities! All I know is that they are without question real because I really want and believe that they are real. Nothing could ever convince me otherwise. Gtalk\Skype is how we mostly chat. The logs are nice to have.
massey didnt' know you had mold issues. I have that and it is my main problem now, think i was getting the candida under control then I got aspergillus a year ago. what problems do you have? and what meds are you on?