40 STONES; he flushed 40 stones--30, then 10. (He did opt to do the second batch of ES--he said he liked it better than doing a SWF. He did however mix his ES with ogranic apple juice. He agreed not to flush (the toilet on)the second batch till I saw them. Yep, those little green 'stones'. He said one in the first group was a bigger than the others; said he feels great, and he is outside having recess!
So then, the conversations went like this:" So, Mom, did you have stones at your colonic?
Mom: maybe one.
Him: and during your flush?
Mom: only 4 pea sized ones this time. And a lot of chaff.
He was elated. His flush went better than mine.
I'm tickled--I was full of crap at the colonic--and had some stuck pockets right where I'd been hurting....and now I'm feeling a bit tender, and my son, is feeling terrific, and my guess is in 3 weeks he'll be reminding ME it's time to flush.
So, all my worry was for nada. Overall, he did a better job. I goofed up a couple of places. But I'm so excited for him! And like they say, "A little child shall lead them."
He hasn't wanted to eat anything yet, so I'm not pushing him. I figure as long as he has water.....I'm tending to discourage him from his basketball practice tonight, but I told him I'd play it by ear.
so, all in all, a positive experience.
Thanks,one and all.