First time user of Humaworm. Two weeks in at recommended dosage of 2 caps X Day. Started liver flush. Minor bloated feeling, but no Herxheimer type of reaction, which in retrospect was quite surprising givin the following:
I decided to do some water only enemas a few hours before my olive oil drink at 10pm, so this was like 7ish. My first enema resulted in a few of usual suspects mostly mucous looking stuff and stool. Second enema is when it started. I was totally shocked to see several new things. ANYONE HAVE IDEAS ON WHAT THESE COULD BE????:
Pineapple chunks looking things. fished them out and they had the consitensy of pineapple, about the same color, and about the size of a dime, mostly piramid shaped but some cube shaped. Several hundred little bastards that lookded like flukes, dark brownish/green colored, size of a grain of rice, kinda slimy. Two or three "tomato skins", and one "insect wing looking critter. The last two I've seen before, but the first two I've never seen before. Lastly, maybe 10 flat garbanzo shaped/colored things that I've never seen before- Candida? A lot of the first two came out, I'd say probably half a cup of the pineapple chunks and several hundred little dark rice things. haven't eaten pineapple in weeks, some tomatos several days ago, but not directly prior to enema/flush, and certainly no little fluke looking bastards. IDEAS?
Next morning of flush I got out a ton of pea sized gallstones, all dark green. More green/brown rice shaped/sized fluke looking guys, and a lot of mucous. None of the other things I described came out that I saw.
I have been tested for parasites in the past using metabolic markers like byproducts on one test, that was inconclusive. Another test was for DNA, that produced a result of an "unknown" protazoa. Then most disturbing test though was from my Naturapathic Doctor who did a blood sample and put it under a microscope, called Darkfield Microscopy. It projects the microscope image onto a computer monitor. My red blood cells were clumped together mostly, but what do you know.... there was a dead parasite as plain as day. No mistaking it. Eyes and everything. Looked like the rice grain things shapewise.
I'm close to putting it all together think after years and years of battling. Parasites are but one problem, but definitely a major aspect of my symptoms.
I'm open to the fact that these may not be parasites, so any insight from people with experience is much appreciated.