Well feeling real depressed right now... Everyone knows the severity of Candida I have and I've been on the diet for 1 1/2 years. I mean, my parents even cook sometimes for me. They know everything I eat.
Yet, for Christmas morning they gave me food items. I know it's not all about the items but, my mom gave me a Starbucks gift card, my cousin gave me chocolate and my dad made a stupid comment like "Oh I thought you could have coffee?"
I just feel alone. I feel like noone understands me and I know it's not all about the presents. I mean honestly I don't care about presents because I know the real meaning is because today is Jesus's birthday.
It just gets to me that even my closest family members don't understand what I'm going through. I'm busting out in tears crying over this. Just wanted to talk to people who know what I am experiencing.