Well at least most of it is based on facts in my opinion. Our "government" has passed bills and excutive orders allowing them to do what ever they want when there's an "emergency" or "disaster", and usually the person that's decides if those conditions exist is the president. Which shows we pretty much live under a dictatorship in my opinion.
And the economy collapsing could be an "emergency" or "disaster". To see what condition it economy is in, watch those video's on the economy I posted (The Economy 101 and the two below that) and you'll see it's about to collapse. The only option they have is to print, print, print more money which will create hyperinflation and only put off the collapse till a few months later. Watch that video on The Hierarchy For The Whole System to understand the whole system better.
So I don't believe it's any doomsday or end times scenario, it's just the way it is. Hope you're storing up food at least.
Take Care BB