I was a little scared doining the OO+ES+LJ cause it was my first time and I didn't know what to expect but thanks for your in depth info an great replys!Thanks you guys you've helped me through this!!Wed + Thurs I did the flush after having GB pain for a wk.Fri I had a ultra sound and the tech only could guess i had passed a lrg.stone from the size of the duct and this morning my BM revealed hundreds of light green stones of all sizes! They broke up easly and were darker inside the lrg ones,even passed some rubberish sacks.I'm feeling so much better now!I was very uncomfortable but I just kept recalling that I read someone say your going to have to recover as if you've had surgery and thats exactally how it was but much much more miraculous!!My faith is renewed.Best wishes to everyone trying flushes.Knowledge is powerful and the MD's don't want us to know-ya know?