Thanks for the responses and I will work on diet & exercise. I also came across the Oxygen Forum and will post over there, too.
Yesterday afternoon I did a test. Before a glass of O3, 139/89/61. An hour after, 160/99/56. Is the
O3 - Ozone working on something internal? I think I shall continue on to see if it is healing something. I have seen some minor changes that make me want to continue. Perhaps others were not watching their BP?
Original post:
After coming across Bob Beck info listed for hypertension, I thought I would try to do 2-3 glasses of
O3 - Ozone water figuring my blood oxygen level was low, hence the BP issue. In the past I had heard of the “RESPeRATE” device that teaches how to breathe so as to increase blood oxygen levels so why not get an Enaly ozone generator that should do that and more… so I thought.
Well, I’ve been on the 2-3 glasses per day for the past 9 days and my BP has increased 15-20 points above previous averages of low 140’s over high 80’s. BP med dosage (Metoprolol) same. Previous herbal strategies have not worked.
Why the jump in BP?
Does it take a while before the ozone kicks in and brings it back down?
What are the experiences of others for this problem?