I wanted to post the results of my last liver flush as an encouragement to all the people who are still unsure about the liver flush or who think it's not working.
I've been doing this for a year and a half and have reached liver flush #30. Throughout this journey I've been plagued by doubts that I may not have as many stones as some people, since I never had a flush where hundreds of them would pour out of me. Usually, a good flush for me would eliminate about 10 tiny green stones. But mostly, nothing would come out at all. I was really discouraged and didn't know how to approach this problem. I took gold coin grass, chanca piedra, Ultraphos, drank gallons of apple juice, all the things that are known to soften stones but to no avail.
On Dr. Sutter's forum I was encouraged to do parasite cleansing until I was free of stones and parasites. I did humaworm's cleanse but the only result was that I made my worms very active and very annoyed. None died. I followed up with Parasitin by Vaxa and suddenly I started seeing some small creatures but also not enough to make me believe that I had the proverbial parasite infestation that everyone talks about. Following Hulda Clark 's advice I did the mop up protocol with CoQ10, Ozonated olive oil and L-Cysteine. This was the protocol that finally had the best results. I started seeing red worms occasionally and once after I did a Liver Flush . I stopped the protocol after a week because it made me too sluggish. Well, I thought that I killed all my parasites. Sure enough, a couple of weeks later they were back with a vengeance! I had insomnia again and I could feel them crawling under my scalp and in my liver. Yes, the worms liked my bile ducts and they made a nest there. No wonder I couldn't eliminate the stones if they were blocked by these creatures!
I kept doing my Liver Flushes every two weeks, although I didn't see any stones, because it gave me relief from the pressure that would build up in the liver. I knew that the liver wasn't working optimally because I had trouble digesting my food, was constipated all the time, and had no energy. Things got even worse two weeks ago after a flush that resulted one pea-sized stone and nothing else. The pressure in the liver was so great immediately after the flush that I knew that I moved something inside. This suspicion was confirmed by pain in my right shoulder blade that kept moving around, pressure in the liver and light pain in the gallbladder area. My abdomen began to swell because I digested food very poorly. A couple of days ago I decided to do another flush in order to move things out. It felt like they were ready to come out.
I didn't drink the apple juice anymore because I got tired of it. I drink minimal amounts of apple juice every day with my parasite herbs, though.
I followed the Hulda Clark Flush protocol but I made a few modifications. I started the Epsom Salt at 7pm, then at 9pm, and took the oil/gf juice at 10pm. I wanted to take the oil closer to the epsom salt in order to have a larger time window for the stones to pass. This may not be a good protocol for someone who wants to cleanse the gallbladder as it may not have enough time to fill up with bile again. I was targeting the liver and wanted the gallbladder relatively empty so that the bile would come mainly out of the liver. I laid down on my back, since the right side position is ineffectual for me. I also had an electric massager that I used to pound on the liver. Actually, I held it against my ribcage and turned slightly to the left. I found this to be a very good technique, which someone on CZ discovered a few years ago. I drank my oil mixture every 15 minutes in order to keep a constant supply of oil coming and finished it in about an hour.
I didn't feel any pressure this time and I was mildly disappointed that I failed another flush. I actually had to go to the bathroom during the flush a few times. I would drink more oil and go back to bed and hold the massager against the ribcage.
In the morning I took one more dose of Epsom Salts and around 10am I had breakfast. Nothing major came out but definitely more than in the past. Around 11am I started passing larger stones. I prepared to do a regular enema followed by a coffee enema. That's when I started seeing a lot of big stones, some of them grape-size. The coffee enema triggers peristalsis and is difficult to hold after a liver flush, particularly when you have toxic stones in the colon, but it helped tremendously.
In the afternoon I kept having more bloating, indicating that more stones had reached the colon. Sure enough, big clumps of them came out. Surprisingly and shockingly they came with lots of red worms and parasite eggs! Yes, the eggs hide behind the stones and only if you remove the stones can you remove the nests. The stones have been coming out steadily for two days now, which is unusual for me, but I feel vindicated. I know now that I have to keep doing this flush every two weeks while taking parasite herbs to kill the buggers.
For people who do parasite cleansing: take lots of the herbs, not what it's recommended on the box! I make my own mix and take 1 teaspoon in apple juice in the morning and one in the evening. These are dry herbs that I don't bother encapsulating. The taste is good because I have lots of ground cloves that mask everything else. Within a week of taking the high dose the crawling in my scalp stopped and I am sleeping like a baby again. The problem is that I sleep too much, so I have a lot more cleansing to do.
My advice is, don't be tentative and do the cleanses together. Colon, parasite, liver. Don't forget the kidneys! Recently, I started having excruciating lower back pain. After checking my Hulda Clark book I realized that my kidneys were stressed due to all this cleansing. I bought some of her recommended herbs and made a tea which I drank for a month. The kidneys are feeling better now but I think I need to keep doing the cleanse every so often.
The body will release stones and junk when it's ready. If you don't see results right away, don't assume that you don't have stones or parasites. Your body is not strong enough to eliminate them yet so you need to help along with diet and protocols.