In an effort to separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak, i have a proposition that would indirectly go a long way toward quelling some of the ego brandishing in the
Debate Forums -- and at the same time i think it would be an excellent resource for the curezone users.
A new section on curezone entitled something like XXX-Cured. cancer-cured, diabetes-cured, etc etc.
People who have cured themselves outright of said disease can post their experience and protocols used.
This would accomplish many things. First, it would be an invaluable reference to curezone users, and debate would be rendered instantly moot on this subject since the person is already cured.
Second it would really help to separate the wheat from the chaff posts. Many times people post well-meaning suggestions but they don't have the experience or the knowledge to back up their suggestions. threads get off course and debates easily arise. Much of this would be eliminated.
Third, and maybe most important, theoretical arguments would be rendered moot as well. Theory is great, and god knows people on curezone love their theories, but nothing talks like success. Theory that supported actual cures would float to the top and theory that did not support actual experiences of cures would silently creep into the corners.