I had tried my own formula
Lugol's which is effective to flush out some old black color hard stool(mucus?).
Lugol's Ingredients -
50ml Water + 1 table spoon Potasium
Iodide + 1/2 table spoon Crystal Iodine
I am having 6 almalgam filling when I was age of 10. My illness problem start happen when I was teenager. The problem become worse when I was earlier 20(chronic fatigue, unstable heart beat, constipation{I was a vegetarian}).
I spend a lot of $ to tried Chinese Medicine & chinese herb, it didn't improve my suitation. I went for all kind of checked up, Dr. couldn't find my illness problem.
2 year ago I was put on 10kg within 2-3mth, Dr confirm I m diagnose Hypothyriodism. I was on Oroxine 200mg p/days, but my constipations, dirrhea, bloating, abdominal pain, hair loss, weight gain, indigestion, fatigue, insomnia, migraine, depression, numbness, night cramp, frequent urintion, dry skin, caughing, gum bleeding, unregular MC, cysts & other problems still remain bad.
Few week ago I was having serious constipation up to 4 days, it make my abdomen badly pain. I totally loss of concentration. I start taking magnesium cictrate(470mg + Vit B6) X 3 tablet and my own formula Lugol's. The Magnesium helps my constipation, frequent urintion, insomnia, night cramp but my face, eyes lip swelling become worse.
Lugol's stop my cough & outter tight numbness(only happen night) problem but make my lip swelling,
Acne on my face & back. it could be due to detox.
Finally I found a enema kits which I think it could improve my constipation.
Own formula Enema
* 4 drops of Lugols'
* 1.5 Tea spoon apple cider.
* 1.5 cup Warm water
I done my enema cleansing without fasting but before sleep.
- I let the enema stay for 10min
- lying down, gentaly massage let & right size of our abdomen(I can feel the fluid water moving around).
Day 1 cleansing
Feel very pain when I start massage my abdomen.
2-3pcs Thumb size black hard mucus came out.
Day 2 cleansing
Feel very pain like something tearing out when I start massage my abdomen.
About 20pcs Thumb size black & hard mucus rush out, follow by some long rubber type of mucus.
* Reduce the Magnesium to 1 table(470mg)
Day 3 & Day 4.
Some bigger black color hard mucus continue come out together with stool. I can feel the mucus scratched my colon wall(very pain).
Day 6
Clean with Apple cider Ename without Lugol's
After 20min, still can't feel any pain. Other than water nothing come out !!
Day 8
Less pain, some small piece of smelly mucus flush out.
I feel better now. Less pressure on my abdomen eventhough after heavy meal.
I belief that is plenty of hard stool/mucus lying on upper area of my big instestine's wall need to flush of. 1.5cup of enema is not able to wash out the the whole big intestine.