Hello all! This was my experience and my cure for my gallstone symptoms. I hope some of this information can help you as well. I started to experience mild gallstone symptoms and was in a panic because I had no healthcare coverage. A coworker of mine recently went through an emergency gallbladder removal, and because she did not have health insurance, now faced monetary hardship for years because of it. Since I was having mild symptoms, I wanted to nip the problem in the bud and explore an alternative cure before it got any worse. After experienceing a week of mild pain, I began searching the internet for information. I found several sites explaining symptoms and home remedies, and after gathering several versions of possible cures I came up with the most common factors described, and proceeded from there. My gallbladder flush consisted of 5 days of drinking 1
quart unfiltered organic apple juice and normal meals, then the sixth day my breakfast and lunch consisted of small meals which contained no fat whatsoever. I then fasted for the rest of the day, still drinking the organic apple juice. At 6:00pm I drank 12
oz. of organic grapefruit juice mixed with 1 tblspn
Epsom Salts , then repeated again at 8:00pm. My gut was pretty much "cleared" by 10:00pm. At that point I then quickly drank 1/2 cup organic extra virgin olive oil mixed with 1/2 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice. I immediately went to bed, laid on my right side for the remainder of the night. It was a rough night. If I had to use the restroom, I did so quickly, then returned to bed to lay on my right side. The next morning I passed about 140 pea-sized and slightly bigger stones, along with seed-sized and "sludge". I felt so much better and the pain subsided greatly. The following month I experienced occasional pangs, so I decided to do another flush 1 month after the first. The second flush I used malic acid and apple pectin capsules instead of apple juice because I felt the apple juice the first time around was just way too much sugar. Otherwise, the procedure was the same as the first. After the second flush the pain returned and would not subside. I became very concerned and checked into a local low-income clinic for tests. I had a blood test and ultrasound and the doctor declared there was nothing wrong. The pain was increasing and I was becoming more panicky at this point because I figured I had exhausted all of my possible remedies. I started to do more research and came upon the suggestion that probiotics may help with symptoms. I started to take high potency 55 BILLION (not million!) organisms per capsule probiotics twice a day. (found at my local health food store, in the refrigerated section, unfortunately expensive) After a week, I started to feel much better. After taking the high potency probiotics twice everyday for 6 weeks, I did not experience any symptoms whatsoever. My gut had never felt better. Looking back at my experience with pain returning after the second flush, my theory is I had cleared my
Gallstones with the two flushes before going to the doctor, afterwards my pain was irritation of an area that was already irritated, and a lack of good bacteria because it was been flushed out with both flushes. I highly recommend using high potency probiotics after doing a flush. It has been 5 months since my first flush and the gallstone symptoms and pain have not returned. I still take probiotics everyday (about 5 billion) for maintenance. I truly hope my recount of experiences will help anyone who is facing similar problems. Good health to you!