Do simple sugar like lactose , fructose sucrose etc god directly to the bloodstream ( as I think I read somewhere expecially for fruit juice or hone) or do they feed bad bacterias in intestines ?
Lactose is fermented by the flora. Glucose and fructose are pretty much absorbed right away. Sucrose is not a simple sugar like glucose or fructose. It has to be broken down in to simple sugar molecules to be absorbed.
But some of the sugars are not absorbed, and are instead excreted in the feces. Therefore, it will reach the Candida in the colon.
I see but what makes some sugars not absorbed, exess sugar ?
There are various factors. Molecule size, if there are receptors for the sugar, amount of fiber present, bowel transit time, amount of sugar ingested, etc.
Does The body reject the exess sugar through feces ?
Sugar not absorbed will get eliminated through the feces. Excess sugar in the bloodstream is eliminated through the urine.