Well, this was a really hard flush for me. It's almost 10am here and I have also been to the loo quite a bit. So far there has been about 35 stones, lots of sludge, and lots of bile. However, I took a dose of
Epsom Salts at about 8:30 this morning and had to throw that up (with some oil from last night!) about 15 minutes ago. I know that this won't affect the flush much as I have already passed some stones and I am sure that more are on the way. I just took some mag citrate to make up for the
Epsom Salts that I lost.
I don't know if I can do this again. I have such a hard time getting the ES and the OO/GF down and I always feel nauseous for hours. Yech. How do people manage to do 20+? Amazing.
But I am glad I did it! Maybe I'll do it again, it will just take a while. :)
How is everyone doing now?