Have we had a President who was not controlled by the anti-American elite since perhaps Eisenhower? Maybe Kennedy, who I liked a lot, but Papa Kennedy had his own dynasty plans and I am not sure just how patriotic the ol' rumrunner was. Reagon? Maybe, but he was playing a role mostly and by his second term was thoroughly controlled. Any since then? I don't think so.
And look at what we have coming up. The illegitimate and inept Chicago machine Obama and whatsiz name (yeah, I know it's Biden but I wonder how many have already forgotten) versus the opportunist lowbrow puppet Palin, who was vetted by the PTB and forced on the designated loser McInsane this past election, and a running mate like say Rick "Bilderburger" Perry. Sorry, but I don't see a true pro-American in the bunch.
Should have seen the Perry angle back when Palin endorsed him for Governor over a very popular Tea Party candidate who was surging in the polls and actually had a chance before the neo-con media mouthpieces sabotaged her and Palin picked her pal Perry. And now Perry, who was the designated pretty boy heir to his good buddy Dubya, comes out criticizing Dubya and portraying himself as some kind of Tea Party like patriot. Give me a break! Besides attending the Bilderburg meeting, he sold out to Merck to try to ram mandatory schoolgirl Gardasil jabs and has supported the NAU/NWO foreign owned and operated Trans Texas Corridor.
Yeah, I guess I was thinking about his parting warning about the shadow government and military/industrial complex. Dresden was indeed an atrocity. But the victors always get to re-write history. I get the idea that Ronnie Raygun was a decent sort, but I think he was controlled to a great extent nevertheless. Looking back further . . . not Truman with the atomic bombs. Certainly not Roosevelt. Kinda scary to realize just how long we have been duped. In retrospect, Goldwater might have been one who wasn't controlled, but they did a number on him to make sure he had no chance.