I know that a lot of people are not accustomed to enema-medicine, but for some things, it's the best way to get therapeutic compounds, such as Powdered Shark Cartilage, into the system.
Shark cartilage is way over hyped. It does not address many of the aspects of cancer including the cause, which is most often viruses. And it does nothing for blood cancers such as lyphomas, leukemias and polycethemia vera. But some idiot wrote a book called Sharks Don't get Cancer and the public fell for this myth. The fact is that sharks are less likely to get cancer, but they do get cancer. And the reason they are more immune than humans has NOTHING to do with their cartilage. Sharks have much stronger immune systems due to the type of antibodies they form and the fact that they generate antibody and interferon levels 10 times higher than humans do. They need this added immunity to protect themselves from the water born pathogens they can be exposed to during hunting, fighting , from mating bites and even from swimming in contaminated waters. So the whole sharks don't get cancer concept is nothing more than bogus sales hype. But it has really contributed to the decline of many shark species, which is another reason the use of shark cartilage should be avoided. If people want angiogenesis inhibitors they can use any cartilage including bovine (cow) cartilage, which was the first source identified with angiogenesis inhibitors. All cartilages contain angiogenesis inhibitors.
Hi, I added 1/2 tsp of Baking Soda to drinking water to give my body a little alkaline boost and I noticed that my urine was really foamy and frothy, just like dish washing soap. It actually looked like dish washing soap all foamed up. This happened the morning after I drank the Baking Soda alkaline drink twice in a day. Looking online I see that it could be protein from my kidneys. Is this really bad?
Foamy urine is generally a sign of excess protein being excreted in the urine. Although dehydration can also cause this, which is likely what is going on. Stay off the baking soda and increase your water intake to see if this clears up the problem.
My PH is about 5.5 and I was hoping to raise it.
You need to read this old post on pH:
Saliva and urine pH DOES NOT correlate to blood pH, and people just put more stress on the body when they over alkalinize with things like baking soda. The body has to then try to increase acidity to compensate for the dangerous alkalosis.