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1.nutrition - Nutrition and fruit/veggies/GREEN LEAFY VEGGIES were the reason I chose the green star.
2.good for both fruit/veg -
Green Star except for Citrus..but any cheap, $20 juicer from your local store will handle citrus.
3.easy to clean up.
Eh...This is a hard one. . It takes a few times of doing it before you get the hang of the cleaning process and how clean faster. It depends on your usage. It's the easiest to clean immedietly after using it. Best to keep it right next to your sink because it can be messy. Just take everything apart, dump it in the sink of soapy water, scrubbing and rinsing. There's actually videos on Youtube of this. Just search Youtube for "Cleaning GreenStar Juicer" or variations.
There's 2 ways I deal with it..
1. Spend an hour in the morning juicing. Drink one glass and the others get put in a mason jar with the air sucked out of it and stored in the fridge for later. Then clean and get it over with.
2. When juice fasting - I just rinse with water after every use. Keep it over the sink and turn it on and pour water into it until the water drains out clear. A few hours later, before the next use.. I just waste a carrot to push the old stuff out of the screen/gear and then I make my juice again. Rinse and repeat. :) Then I clean it at the end of the night.
4.available in the u.k.
GreenStar isn't available in stores. Just online. I know there are plenty of people from the UK with one. Check Ebay, there's got to be a UK store that sells them so you don't have to pay crazy shipping.
yeah, it's pricey. But you get what you pay for.