I have Breast Cancer , and I just found out! It is stage III, and i can't believe this. I had tests last year and I was fine. Thats when I started taking bio identical hormones, and this is what started this. Any ideas? Is there a way to get the excess hormones in your body to reduce the cancer? I am doing a liver cleanse tonight, and I am taking breast supplements. juicing carrots, and all other greens. Going to the gym everyday, and the sauna.
I do not want to go thru chemo or surgery. Thank you very much.
Yes, the so-called bioidentical hormones can contribute to this. Estrogen promotes the growth of some cancers and progesterone activates HPV viruses that can cause various cancers including cervical breast, prostate, nasopharyngeal and skin cancers. I discuss problems with progesterone here:
A few things I recommend are digestive bitters and B vitamin sources to cleanse the liver, limiting your intake of meats and dairy even if they are organic since the animal's hormones are still present and eating more plants rich in phytoestrogens to antagonize the estrogens.
More on bitters:
And phytoestrogens: