I've been reading how tart cherries such as the montmorecy cherry is high in Melatonin.
It is not as high in melatonin as the sales hype has made it out to be. Sunflower seeds are nearly twice as high and there are still other sources extremely higher. Check out the contents in these other plants:
Melatonin: Natural food and non-food sources of melatonin |
Melatonin is a molecule synthesized in the brain by the pineal gland and in the gastrointestinal tract. Melatonin is also synthesized in other organisms including plants.
Melatonin is believed to be responsible for the synchrony of circadian rhythm, modulating sleep patterns with day and night. Melatonin is an antioxidant and protects tissues from oxidative damage byfree radical elements. Further more, melatonin induces synthesis of endigenous antioxidants such as superoxide dismtase (SOD). Several researches indicate that melatonin protects the gastrointestinal tract from irritation, reduces stress-induced lesion formation and heals ulcer. Below are lists containing natural plant sources of melatonin. Melatonin content is in nanogram (ng) per gram of plant sample. Table 1:
Table 2:
Acerola cherry is not a true cherry. it is totally unrelated to real cherries.
Wow! St john's Wort is high. Don't really like taking that though.
What about the claim that tart cherries are good for joints? Inflammation?
Is it worth buying?
There is a product that has 100 freeze dried cherries in each capsule.
I bet Cherry powder in almond milk would taste good. Fresh Cherries aren't available all year round, so would either the frozen or the freeze dried be next best option? I would not buy the juices as probably loaded with sugar.
The active component in tart cherries when it comes to joints and inflammation is the high malic acid content. Malic acid dissolves uric acid crystals, which is why tart cherries are frequently used to treat conditions like gout.
Green apples are also a good source of malic acid, or pure malic acid is readily available online, particularly from wine/beer making supply companies or places selling candy making supplies. Pure malic acid will get around the sugar issue altogether.
How much would you take of malic acid to help with inflammation issues?
A little amount will go a long way . So I recommend about an 1/8 of a teaspoon three to four times daily. You can mix it is some juice or applesauce to make it easier to get down.
I've already started to take mag malate recently, with has malic acid in it. Is this sufficient?
I'm always a bit wary of taking too much magnesium, as quite often it starts my cramps off again. It seems to unbalance things somehow.
Too much magnesium will create imbalances by displacing too much calcium.
The mag malate i bought, only one i could find in HFS was was Malic Acid 720mg with Magnesum 116.7mg per cap 3 caps daily.
Is this okay?
Yes, but I recommend only one capsule twice daily.
Would magnesium malate be just as good?
It will supply some malic acid, but the extra malic acid will provide even more benefit.