Greetings from snowy Iowa, USA,
I think you raise some valid points and questions. I have a few thoughts that you might find of use.
Our elders spent the majority of their lives in an era on this planet where life was, for the most part, not toxic and poisonous to our bodies. Before World War II, there was very little processed, canned, or chemically altered food even available; bread was made from whole grains; oils were (for the most part, I believe) still not hydrogenated; milk was not pasteurized; very few toxins or
preservatives were put into food; white
Sugar and white flour were considered a "luxury" for fancy parties & weddings (although many did use white
Sugar for the canning & preserving of fruit regulary). Soda pop was rarely kept by the caseful in households, nor was candy...both were considered 'special occasion' foods.
But for the last 40 years (at least) our foods have become truly poisonous. Pasteurized milk provides ZERO calcium, in fact, it leaches calcium from our body every time we drink it. The water is full of fluoride & chlorine (which poisons our system and kill all the beneficial bacteria in our digestive tract). We consume foods canned in aluminum regularly; soda pop, candy, and horrendous 'ready to eat' foods are made with artificially "enriched" white flour & sugar; breakfast cereals have white
Sugar & white flour as their main ingredients; fruits & vegetables are doused in pesticides & herbicides; meat is full of
Antibiotics & growth hormones; and virtually EVERYTHING a "normal" person eats causes undue stress on the body, some causes our body to work harder and detox more than the value of the food itself.
We have gone from a world that could clean their whole home with a bottle of bleach, steel wool and exercise, to a world full of Scrubbing Bubbles, Windex, Fabric Softener, Air Fresheners; toxic soaps and skin care products full of chemicals (most all moisturizers actually contain anti-freeze...and we put that on our porous skin to absorb into our bodies!); the air is polluted; the soil is drained of nutrients; and our waterways have literally TONS of chemicals dumped into them monthly in virtually every state in the U.S.
We blast our bodies daily with "toxic" forms of energy...
Cell Phone s, computer monitors, fluorescent lights. Our homes are heated by toxic fossil fuels; the ions in the air are altered by our air conditioners full of freon. The 'toxic' electricity will leave our bodies if we "ground" with the earth...but very few people have any contact with the earth. And when they do, they were rubber soled shoes (that prevent the build-up of toxic energy from leaving our bodies). Folks used to exercise outside all the time; it was part of living. Clothes hung out to dry in clean fresh air, wood to be chopped, etc, etc. But now everything is automated and "easy".
Our bodies have no "flow".
The blood can't flow naturally because our livers are crammed full of toxins that it spends almost all of it's time detoxing from poisons and creating gallstones, instead of preventing cholesterol build up in our our cleansing/healing blood can't flow because of the cholesterol in our arteries; the energy can't flow naturally because we never come in contact with the earth; the oxygen can't flow because our lungs are filled with the poisonous fumes & gases caused by all of cleaning, heating, exhaust, waste and poison we expose ourselves to daily.
Our bodies were designed to be self-healers, and the human body can miraculously recover from almost any disease or accident...but only if it has the "flow" that is required by ALL forms of life....taking in and assimilating nutrients, and eliminating waste smoothly. Even a car engine won't run properly if the exhaust is clogged, and the fuel is dirty. Yet our own 'exhausts' are clogged, and our 'fuel' is pathetic.
Those that lived the majority of their lives in an untoxic world, could handle drinking alcohol, meat eating, and the occasional "binge" on
White Sugar , flour, deep-fried foods, candy and unhealthy fats. Sure they felt sluggish for a couple of days, but their livers & kidneys basically went right to work on the toxins, and soon they were back to "normal"...they had flow. But OUR bodies are SO incredibly busy fighting the unending battles of toxins & poisons in our environment, that even when we get a full night's sleep, we don't wake up feeling refreshed & ready to meet the day.
Supplements? I will always take them (
Dr. Schulze s SuperFood, and pharmaceutical grade fish oil), because I cannot meet my body's need for nutrients without them. I will not eat mercury-laden fish to satisfied my body's need for Omega 3 Fatty Acid; and I cannot easily consume enough (or afford enough) organic fruits & vegetables daily give my body what it needs to survive on this planet.
So, we're faced with choices now. How to clean out decades of toxins from our livers; how to clean our "exhaust" so that the toxins that our body should eliminate quickly won't sit in our colons for years, seeping back into our blood stream. How to clean our bodies from all the poisonous "medicine" we've taken 'for our health' (even a simply aspirin is full of ammonia...crush a couple in a spoon and light a match under won't believe the stench of ammonia). How to fortify and enrich our blood so that it can be the healing power & strength The Maker intended it to be; how to afford the pure organic food & meat that WON'T poison our bodies...and so forth.
Now we have to research, study, make significant life-style-changing choices, and become virtual societal outcasts, in order to give our bodies what they need to live & survive healthily and normally. And the world 'powers that be' are so greedy and selfish, that they're doing everything in their power to make the almighty dollar and become even more powerful. And to accomplish this, it appears that they're poisoning everything they touch...with the purpose to weaken others, and to line their pockets with the profit from it.
I don't have much else to add, except this...May God forgive us for destroying the glorious planet and miraculous bodies that we've been given.
Blessings always,