Dr Mom
Travis, you mention she is your step-daughter, so my first question would be: How long has she been your step-daughter? Has she recently been seperated from her biological father? Has she had to watch her parents fight, seperate and divorce? Does she have a good relationship with you?
The reason I am asking these questions is because if this is the case, you have a lot more going on here than just hormones. For a child, watching her family fall apart can be an extremely traumatic event, especially if she is feeling partially responsible.
If you are dealing strictly with hormones, then making up some red raspberry leaf and blessed thistle tea for her to drink thoughout the day can do wonders for helping to level out the hormones. Ideally, you want it to eventually be half and half, but blessed thistle is extremely bitter, so you might want to work up to that ratio gradually. GOOD LUCK!