Changing the people that are in office is not enough.
There is that saying: "Power corrupts, Abosolute Power corrupts absolutely."
Its easy to point the finger at others who have taken up positions of power and later have been found to be corrupted. But to simply replace the person with another person is like pruning the leaves on the tree. There will be plenty more leaves coming to fill in the empty spaces.
People are corruptible because of the opportunities that arise for their corruptibility to manifest. Most people consider themselves to be beyond corruption, but it may be so only because they are not in positions of power to have their integrity tested.
There needs to be a better system of checks and balances over those that have attained such positions.
So the big question is: What can be done, what can we, as single individuals, do about this to turn things around, to correct the present situation?
Its true - Before any public official can occupy the the office that he has been elected to or appointed to, he must take an oath of office - an Oath to protect and defend the Constitution. But before he can take this oath of office, he must first be properly bonded. A public servant's bond is like having a 'limited liability insurance'. This insurance protects him from being personally liable for anything he does that is within the scope of his office & the Constitution. If he traverses outside the limits of his office, then he can be sued in his personal private capacity. He can lose his bond, his liability insurance, if there is evidence that he has done so. Without a bond, his career is over. The life he has grown accustomed to begins to unravel.
In order for him to be certain on whatever actions he takes while in office, he will need to know whether he will be protected by his bond (insurance). What comes with that office that he has taken an oath to uphold is counsel, an attorney, to advise him as to any risks that are there.
Upon passing a bar exam, attorneys also take an oath. It is an oath, not to the Constitution, but its an oath to the Bistish Crown - the Queen of England. It is a secret oath that only few will talk about. Hence, the 'esq.' that is added to their name. Esquire is a status of nobility.
An attorney that advises a public official also needs to be bonded.
So, the aware observer will be able to see that its those that are behind the scenes that are in control of the situation here. And its the lawyers, the attorneys at law, that really are running the show here.
And so, David Clarence may have just come up with a very simple method that individuals can use in many many situations. From civil infractions to mortgage foreclosures. From the Child Protective Services kidnapping the parent's children to IRS issues to a countless number of other issues. It is called the 'Executor-Executrix Letter'
"Trust Law is the highest form of law there is. It is higher than equity law, higher than commerce law, contract law, civil law. It is even higher than Treaty Law.
"A Trust is giving someone trust to control something that is already established (an estate)."
"A Trust can exist only if there is already an estate in existence."
"The estate created by the grantor is directly connected to the land & the creation of the Earth."
Audio Recordings
10/23/2010 David Clarence Estate Executor Letter - the 6 1/2 hour marathon call
David Clarence follow-up audio mp3 file of the 10/28/2010 (surprise appearance) conference call:
September 16, 2010 can be found at:
Additional David Clarence Audios:
October 5, 2010:
October 1, 2010 (audio links at the bottom of the page):
Tennessee Supreme Court response to David's letter:
Estate Executor-Executrix Office Letter pdf (6th revision) :
Wife's Estate as Property Executor Letter pdf (6th revision):