I took a mega-dose of ES (three tablespoons) at once last night because I was constipated, and seem to have passed a lot of liver mud...also, my *severely* congested liver feels lighter and is putting less pressure on my ribs.
Is it possible to get some gunk out with just a big dose of ES?
Also, I just ran five miles, and it felt like my lungs had much more capacity, and the meridians that correspond to the liver and spleen that had been sore when I ran previously were not sore this time...
I have often passed stones with the initial ES dose, which, in my mind, totally refutes the theory that the soft stones are just safinated olive oil. MY stones were passed well before swallowing the olive oil. So yes, it is possible to drop a waiting load from the liver simply by relaxing the biliary ducts with the ES. Congratulations!
Recently i took a small amount of Epsom Salts and did a castor oil pack and the next morning there certainly was some dark liver sludgey stuff!!
adding castor oil packs to my usual Liver Flushes seems to be helping release more liver material, i recommend people to try it
Thanks for the tip. May I ask exactly how much is a "small amount of Epsom Salts " and in how much water? Did you also not use any olive oil or juice either?
How long did you leave the castor oil pack on?