...be sure to check out even more at this site: http://zoevblog.com/my-quotes/
> To change the world, you must first change yourself. The energy of your transformation will flow from you into the world around you, causing ripples of transformation in others.
> Be careful whose advice you take. If your intuition tells you something isn’t right, most likely it’s not the right advice for you. Learn to trust your inner compass an it will lead you to where you need to go.
> Never underestimate the power of the body to heal itself. All you need to do is provide the proper conditions.
> At some point, either people stop and change their lives or their lives stop and change them.
> If something around you makes you emotionally sick, it won’t be too long before it makes you physically sick. Our illnesses, many times, stem from emotional disturbances.
> There is no greater joy than to be of service to others. It’s our innate desire to be needed and appreciated and the best way to meet it is to help others.
> People say it’s hard to do the raw food diet. But let me ask you: if you grew up eating raw foods and were introduced to cooked foods, don’t you think you’d say that the cooked food diet is hard too? To eat raw meal is simple. To eat it cooked requires so much more preparation and skills. So you see, it’s not hard to eat raw; it’s hard to break the old unhealthy habits.
>Begin each day with positive intent, knowing that you are the initiator of all things that you want to come into your life. Before they appear, you have to believe in them with every cell in your body. Leave the rest to the Universe and God.
>The problem with our lives is in the assumption that more is better. But is more equal to a quality fulfilling life? Or is it just a way to distract us from what is truly important?
>When you think about food the rule should always be your mind controls your body; your body does not control your mind.
>I’m starting to think that I do not become something by seeking new experiences; it’s through new experiences that I chip away that I am not so who I AM will begin to shine from within.
>What keeps you away from living your dreams is not the limitations others have imposed on you but the perpetual doubts that you impose on yourself. There is no need for someone to tell you that you can’t do something when you think you can’t do it. The next time an opportunity arises, look in the mirror and ask, “Why not?”
>Know this, the biggest crimes against humanity have been perpetrated by those you trust the most. By not questioning you allowed them to succeed in their unscrupulous agendas. Look around and you will see the real terrorists are amongst us.
>What jail is to the physical body , fear is to the spiritual body. It imprisons the soul by building a web of lies that kill it slowly but surely. If you want to be free then face your fear and begin to question it.
>To succeed in anything first you have to envision yourself as if it has happened. Your future thoughts bring upon the present opportunities to get you there.
>If you think you will fail then why bother trying? A person who cannot believe his own success is doomed to fail before they even start.
>I’m dreaming of a world where the only motivational force will be love. Money, hate and greed will be things of the past. People will work jobs that compliment their passions not just pay the bills. Diseases will be cured by the power of the min d not of a drug. Organized religion will disintegrate and the goal will be to established one united, enlightened society.
>When faced with a tough decision never base it on fear. Base it on love and you will never regret anything that came from love.
>Nobody can offend you if you understand that what they project on you is what they carry within themselves.
>You can spend countless hours trying to change someone by telling them everything they do wrong. Or, you can transform someone overnight by encouraging them to focus on everything they do right.
>A fine line lays between being grateful for what you have and being complacent with what you have. Don’t confuse one with the other as they have totally opposite effects on your life.
>We look for ways to escape reality when the very life we live is nothing but an illusion. Maybe what we should look for are ways to escape the illusion.
>The major flaw of our system is that the greed of few affects the welfare of many. Let’s stop trying to fix it but destroy at its core.
>Pondering the thought how people you spent so little time with can leave such a big impression on your life.
>There are a lot of things in life that may make you angry but you have to pick your fights carefully. Some are just not worth your time and effort.
>Even with all the pain, negativity, violence, injustice and wars in the world, I still see plenty of joy, positivity, peace, equality and harmony. Good and evil are interdependent. You decide which side you want to give your attention to.
>The secret to immortality is not locked in a potion or magic but in what you choose to create out of love. Beethoven’s music, Da Vinci’s art, Shakespeare’s writings, Thomas Edison’s innovations and MLK’s “I have a dream speech” have outlived their creators’ physical lives yet turned them into immortal icons.
>The next time someone says something false about you the best way to piss them off is by ignoring them. They only do it to get your attention so don’t give them any. Watch how fast they disappear.
>When you spend your whole life pleasing others it sucks the pleasure out of your life.
>Changing your life is no different than cleaning out your closet. First you have to get rid of the old useless stuff so you can make room for the new.
>To some people even if the truth hit them in the head like a brick, they will still dismiss it as an unfortunate coincidence and continue on the same ol’ path. Wondering how many brick does it take to take someone of that path.
>To survive and to evolve are not the same. The former suggests getting over the hurdle. The latter, seeing beyond the hurdle.
>Intelligent debate is not based on proving your opponent wrong but in showing them how to see things through a different lens.
>Trust the message not the messenger. If the message speaks to your soul it matters not who it came from.
>If the saying “you are what you eat” is true, that explains why you get toxic vibes from some people.
>Fear is nothing but illusion created by the ego to preserve itself. Realize that you are not your ego but your soul, and all illusion will vanish.
>A real photographer is not the one who takes a good picture but the one who captures the pure emotion of its subjects and makes it timeless.
>If more people were truth seekers as opposed to truth ignorers, half of the world’s problems would be resolved within a year.
>Relationships that make you feel like you are walking on eggshells are toxic to our well being. Without open communication you have nothing but an illusion of a relationship.
>Somewhere along the way you realize that what makes you the happy are the simple moments of peace like the summer raindrops hitting my window now.
>I don’t believe in destiny cut in stone but in creation freed in the Universe. That’s what my life is. That’s what your life is too.
>Things in life are neither good nor bad. They just are. What makes them good or bad is our perception of reality. Thus nobody is complete right and nobody is completely wrong given their own vantage point.
>Some of the most religions people are the biggest hypocrites. Fortunately, our real God is not hypocrite like them. Question religion not God.
>Let’s redefine the Holy Trinity not as Father-Son-Holy Spirit but as Mind-Body-Soul. That’s who you’ve always been since God created you.
>Times of personal crisis are not curse but a gift from God because they force us to leave our comfort zone and discover who we really are.
>The truly wealthy men are not those with the fattest bank accounts but those with the highest degree of knowledge. Never stop educating yourself.
>If someone tells u there is no other way, don’t believe it. Finding another way is as simple as switching your viewing point.
>Don’t try to make difference on global scale. Start with one person and watch the ripple effect carry the energy throughout the Universe.
>The future looks uncertain yet I feel calm about it. I know we will be okay. Every single one of us will be okay. The fear is just an illusion.
>Those who have not received what they want from life have yet to learn one of the laws of the Universe – to receive you first must give.
>To achieve more success you should not only be persistent, but also grateful for what you already have in your life.
> In the garden of life you have flowers and you have weeds. If it wasn’t for the weeds, you may never realize just how beautiful the flowers are.
> Looking for the truth is like looking for your lost keys in your house. After searching everywhere you realize they were right in front of you all the time.
I've printed these out to keep. Ya know, if we all lived our lives by these words the world would be a very different place!
Thanks Uny!!!!!!