Thanks T, keep it coming. You're the talkshoe master!
We've noticed lately too, that there have been low flying helicopters flying over at night. We live in military central though. Probably 12 military bases in the Puget Sound area, so who knows for sure. But we've never had low flying helicopters flying west to east, much less at night before. All aricraft usually fly south to north, becuase we live on the west side of a small (1,500ft) mountain.
There was quite a bit of hubbub going on about explosives found or not found on several international flights on Friday. It may have had something to do with this.
I'm not sure how you mean. Because they knew it was coming and had all bases locked down? And if they knew, how? :-)
And now they're talking out of both sides of their mouths, saying the bombs could have been detonated on the plane, but would have had to be detonated in person at the jewish facilities. Huh?
Plus they let the person they thought was behind it go. The whole thing is starting to stink like....
That's what I'm saying. Lock down of the military is part of B.S. Soldiers and military also get hit with propaganda.
To make it appear that CIA, FBI & HOMELAND SECURITY etc., are doing their job. Its all PR just before an election.
Yeah I agree. It's Obama's last ditch effort to prove democrats are actually doing something.
I also think it's about stopping the people from complaining about the airport body scanners. See, terror terror terror. We need this stuff because terror terror terror is everywhere.
Problem is, our government can't even lie very well any more. I was watching a video showing British news saying the police investigated the bomb and found there was no explosive material.
And when you look at that white stuff on the outside of the printer cartrige, it looks like christmas tree flock. And the circuit board looks like an old tv circuit from the 80's.