yes I have seen that site, it is excellent
I'm actually planning and taking the essential oils internally
I have some thieves but I am not going to take it internally because it has eucalyptus and it would just not recommended in internally. Although I do know people who have used internally with no problems
I have taken 15 drops of eucalyptus essential oil internally as an experiment, and I am not dead. But that was pushing it and I only recommend 8-10 drops per dose for adults.
Pure eucalyptus oil, must be safe internally. I've taken hundreds of them:
Like anything too much eucalyptus oil can be toxic.
I recommend we look more deeply into adsorbants. Beyond the obvious (activated charcoal, bentonite, etc.) I wonder if H has some ideas. Also wondering if silca/DE is considered an adsorbant. Can't find the answer anywhere, but haven't spent all day trying either.
It is to a small extend, but not like clays. A problem with adsorbants though is that they can also bind with nutrients preventing their use by the body.
MY suggestion, in lieu of Carbo, or Actor, or CholestPure, all the above - is glucommannan. Lots of info I recently found relating to it being used for the same purpose - minus all the side effect, and with added benefits (feeds good flora, lowers blood sugar, etc.). Must be PURE powder (konjac powder). Noodles are also available, but never tried.
Konjac gum is also great for feeding the intestinal flora.
I have SEVERE mold allergy after having been massively poisoned by mold for six months straight
So I am dealing with something similar
I recently started taking a product that contains phytosterols. theoretically this will mimic the effects of a drug that cutting edge doctors are using to treat mold toxicity called cholestyramine
For more information read here
Skip over the personal squabbling at the beginning of the article and move down to the scientific studies at the bottom
The product I am using is called cholestepure. You can Google it, there are plenty of places to buy it. Although nobody mentions the mold aspect of it, they just talk about how it will reduce cholesterol. But theoretically it will bind to mold toxins and prevent them from being reabsorbed and help remove them from the body
Anyway I am interested in getting H's opinion on this product so I'm glad you started this thread. I am wondering if there are any negative side effects to taking plant phytosterols ?
Sterols will kill molds and fungi by binding to the cholesterol in their walls disrupting the walls. Jiaogulan (gynostemma) is the highest herbal source of sterols I am aware of. Yucca root is also rich in sterols.
In general sterols are pretty safe although they are not recommended in cases of low blood pressure or low cholesterol
My family and I have recently been diagnosed with aspergillosis. Aspergillus was also found in our blood stream. We have followed an all natural route thus far, but have been treating the candida and not focusing on anything else. Do you have any recommendations on ridding aspergillus? We have done Pau D Arco and all other natural antifungals for the last 3 years with little relief. As you can imagine, I want this out of my childrens' bodies and mine as quickly as possible before further damage is done. Any insight is greatly appreciated.
The respiratory formula I have recommended previously would be effective here. Chaparral is highly antiseptic against a wide range of pathogens. Thyme or thyme oil is the most effective thing I have found for molds and fungi, horseradish has an oil that will kill about anything, and eucalyptus oil is also effective against molds/fungi. The oils in this formula will absorb in to the bloodstream before being expelled through the lungs: