I just finished a month on gerson, it was very hard, but many problems were solved after only 1 month, so try to keep with the diet.
if enemas hurt you, stop doing them.
just cut down on your juices and fiber, add more water, and modify the diet to suit your individual needs.
use coconut or olive oil on your skin. see diet specs for your bloodtype.
people HEAL while they sleep, so sleep a lot if you can, you are detoxing and healing.
use dr. bonners lavender or unscented soap, its pretty gentle diluted. everything hurts during detox, lots of poisons,acids, disease and gunk are coming out of you, just comfort yourself with rest and an asparin or peppermint tea as needed until you are done eliminating toxins and disease. It takes years of wrong eating to get sick, it will take months to correct years of wrong intake. BE PATIENT AND GENTLE WITH YOURSELF.
I got very weak during 1st month gerson detox, so 2nd month I modified the GERSON diet to suit my INDIVIDUAL
Blood Type Diet needs. I am blood type O, so I cut out all foods that were bad for blood type O, and I stick with foods that are best and good for blood type O. Check out recipes online for recipes for your INDIVIDUAL bloodtype, it will save you a lot of grief, uneeded food costs, pain and waste-of eating food not compatible for your bloodtype.
Get the bread closest to what you need, do not freak out or stress over insignificnt things that you cannot control, just try to follow diet best you can, and modify with common sense. ie, drink more water if you quit enemas and take vitamin c or 1/2 tsp epsom 1x a week in a glass of water to help evacuate, and cut down on excess fiber.
I added budwig cottage cheese and flax oil with pineapple to the gerson diet, and i also combined the william hayes md diet..., hays made the diet that cured rockefellor of his problems, WILLIAM HAYES MD daily diet recipes are online. I also stopped eating foods not compatible with my blood type. The 2nd month of gerson diet is going a lot smoother with individual modifications.
I do not believe in cookie cutter recipes, as everyones bloodtypes are different, one mans treasure is another mans poison.
People who are dying from being poisoned by chemo, drugs, or a lifetime of wrong diet may need supervision and daily help with the gerson diet.
If problems are less severe it makes good sense to modify gerson to your bloodtype, a bloodtype diet md has posted online recipes and foods for all the different bloodtypes, this EAT FOR YOUR BLOODTYPE DIET MAKES A LOT OF SENSE, it helped me a lot.
Hope this helps you, good luck.