Woooah great! That's excellent! Yeah we just had our frist drink. I can't wait to see how he does. All those flushes wow. Good for you. How long did it take you to accomplish that? I want to do one a year from now on. I even got my Mom to say she would do one next week. Good luck to you and your husband!
I wish you and your father well. I hope that after this flush you keep flushing every 2-3 weeks till you are stonefree and then change to a few times a year. I noticed that your flush has been a long time ago.
I passed some stones the same night! My dad passed some stones too and a real big one. I am so happy we all did it! I hope you all did well too.
Take care.
I guess you are doing it before the flush? This time it's too late for that, but I'll try your idea before my next flush. I may even try adding the oils tonight to the enema, can't hurt...
Thanks again!