Anonymous Coward you have hardly been here long enough to know how things work around here.
To summarize, a user started claiming that you can cure all disease by praying to an Orgonite brick while holding onto a piece of paper. They call this the Doctrine. It has nothing to do with Rife.
When newbies come to this forum they ask about what Rife device they should buy. The aforementioned user and his followers now tell newbies that they should rely solely on the Doctrine, that it is better than a Rife machine. They are purposefully (and quite blatantly) leading people away from Rife machines for something that is completely experimental and no one has been cured from yet.
Okay, if that hasn't raised a red flag yet, then here's the kicker.
Those who
have bought Rife machines are being told by this same user that running frequencies on your own is
(Ironic, seeing how they went wild in anger when I said that running a neurotransmitter frequency for extended periods is dangerous. Anyone with common sense should realize that forcing your body to produce a certain neurotransmitter 24/7 is really dangerous and only asking for trouble. The body very closely regulates the balance between serotonin and melatonin, and different levels are needed depending on the time of day and the amount of light in the room. Both serotonin and melatonin are involved deeply in maintaining homeostasis. You can look that up on Wiki if you wish.)
Now I have
zero issues with anyone who wants to believe any of these claims. It's their life they are putting on the line, not mine.
However, anyone who makes such big claims should
expect duly deserved skepticism. After all,
no one on the Doctrine has been cured by the Doctrine alone. This is a Rife forum, after all, not a faith healing forum ( which I believe already exists on CZ).
You simply can NOT just go into a forum and make a grand claim that you have a cure for all disease, and not put up something credible to show for it. Even anecdotal
Tell me, what other venue or location is there where someone is allowed to do that? This is really the only forum where that is being allowed to occur.
As long as those people continue to lead others away from Rife machines in a
Rife forum, I will never stop speaking up against what I perceive to be a cleverly orchestrated, longstanding disinformation campaign.
>> totakun you are hardly an expert over anyone else.
I've never claimed to be an expert over anyone else, feel free to point out where I have.
>> but if a poll were taken bet you would be voted off the island.
This forum is not ruled by Mob Rule. People are allowed to have different opinions.
I know 99% of the users here wants me gone. It would be a scary thought, if it wasn't so flattering.
Did y'know? Jesus Christ was crucified by a mob for being different. He said things that bothered the establishment and they had to get rid of him for it.
"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth can be a revolutionary act." - George Orwell
>> clam up or change your tone. another way of saying stop acting like a a$$hole.
I'll keep that in mind. But in the meantime why don't you go and read through past posts. You'll see that every time someone spoke up with skepticism about the Doctrine, they were attacked like a pack of wolves attacks its prey. They had their sanity questioned and told they needed psychological help. The people promoting the Doctrine are quite cruel and will spare no one.