I´m trying to get well from candida (doing the McCombs Plan week 11), leaky gut and andrenal fatigue. I´m only on probiotics) and Detox now. I get very very puffy eyes and sticky eyes to and it feels like I am retaining to much water. I used to get like this a lot before i started the "candida diet" but has been quite okey since then until three ore four weeks ago. Do You know what it canbe ore what i can do ?
The puffy eyes and sticky eyes sound like part of an allergic reaction to something. Allergies stem from adrenal dysfunction. The water retention can also be from adrenal dysfunction. The adrenals help to maintain the water balance in the body with aldosterone. Sodium retention can also cause water retention. Increasing your potassium intake will displace excess sodium. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can also help by helping flush the sodium salt from the body.
Tahks You! What is the best way to bost the adrenals - more than vitamin C and B5. Herbs that I might tolererate ?
Here is an old post on the subject:
I generally prefer blends, but if you have multiple sensitivities then I recommend starting out with one herb at a time with a few days in between introducing another herb. This way if you have a reaction it narrows down what you reacted to.
Has the adrenal something to do with sexdrive at my age -45? Could need an advise to boost that thing to cause it´s gone. Thougth it was the candida but now I dónt know.
Yes, as you near menopause your ovaries start shutting down and your adrenals become your primary source of sex hormones. And weak adrenal function can also lead to increased stress, which does not help the sex drive much either.
Lowered sex drive in both men and women can also result from lowered testosterone levels. There is an herb called tribulus terrestris that can help elevate testosterone, or you can use nettle root as an aromatase inhibitor to prevent the conversion of testosterone in to estrogen.
Another thing - I take 5-htp (used to take cipralex etc before). I do think it helps but can I eat it every day for a long time?
I would not recommend it. in fact this can also suppress the sex drive by increasing serotonin levels. Lower serotonin levels increase sex drive. Extremely low levels can do this to the point of indiscriminate sexua| behavior. High serotonin levels on the other hand have the opposite effect decreasing sex drive and inhibiting orgasm. This is why these are common side effects of the selective serotonin reuptake (SSRI) antidepressants.
Before Candida and leaky gut (got candida from living in a moldy house) I had no allergies ore wasn´t sensitive to anything but now it just hits me one thing after another so one herb at a time would be a good start - I think I will try Schisandra first because it might have positive effekts one other parts like libido and feeling good. Maybe licorice root at the same time cause I know I tolerate it. Would it be enough to take just that and the B5 and C ore do I have to take all the herbs together?
Those 4 are fine. Schisandra and licorice root are two of the most effective adrenal herbs anyway.
If You know a good manufacturers of this ore a blend that I can buy from on Iherb, please let me now - maybe Jarrow is a good thing? Sorry to ask baout that to but here in Sweden You can´t find them all.
Jarrow does not have the schisandra or licorice root. So getting them from Iherb would be your best bet.
About tesosteron - i have allways thought that i had to low levels of estrogen and that is has gotten worse after candida so that i might take that instead. interesting with testosteron - I thougt it was only ok for men? You have to convince me her?
Testosterone plays a role in sex drive for both men and women. This is why some post-menopausal women with a low sex drive are give low dose testosterone shots.
I have had low libido since I was 18 and got sick in depression (not a deep one in the brain but very hurful physical) . My doctors discovered that I had extremely low levels of cortisol and put me on M A O - inhibitor and I really became well in just a couple of weeks and got my period back (had been gone for 3-4 years) and felt well for many years. The low levels of cortsiol I now know has to do with my adrenals so maybe that has been the problem all my life? My depressions (if it is one?) is allways connectet with pain, hard time breething etc and not really that i´m really very low.
Pain is a form of stress and therefore can further suppress the adrenals.
I understand about the level of serotenine and libido but I am trying to find something - instead of the depressionpills like Cipralex (much worse) to get in a better mood and have lust and desire to do things (more like a machine now) but maybe i´m on the wrong truck with boosting seretonin? What do You think about L-Tyrosine - a booster of dopamine and noradrenaline.
This does sound better. It is dopamine that gives us our daily drive to do things. Tyrosine is a precursor for dopamine, so it can help give you more drive to get daily activities done.
Would that be a better thing to try for long term (have some side effects so far like freezing and bad short memory) ore what do you recommend?
The tyrosine is a good start. And it will also help with the thyroid, which if low can cause you to feel cold all the time. I also recommend TMG if you can get it.
Isn´t schisandra a mood booster to?
To an extent it can help. Especially by supporting the adrenals, which can also lead to depression if poorly functioning.
hallo again and thank you so very much for all your answers. I was thinking to try L-tyrosine alone for a longer time before I asked you again but I just need to know about some of the side effects.
I stopped taking 5-htp on friday and started to take L-tyrosine 500 mg only. I started to feel more pain in my arms on sunday morning and it is worse today -monday. Can it be that I have stopped taking 5-htp - I do think that it have helped me with my pain ( but I also changed my diet and thought that it might be that before) ore is it because I take l-tyrosine alone? It´s like my muscles are all tighten - like i´m excercising them all the time when I´m resting.
One possibility is that you have fibromyalgia. Low levels of serotonin have been linked with fibromyalgia, which is why 5-HTP is recommended for fibromyalgia.
I have to say though that I hade potatoes on friday and usually my arms start to ache in 5 minutes - about the same ache as i have now - so maybe it´s a real delayed reaction..
Maybe I should take a little bit of 5-htp - 50 mg ore less- also and maybe 1000 mg of L.tyrosine?
That would be a good idea. It will take a few weeks for the tyrosine to really build up the dopamine levels anyway for pain relief.
Ore why is it that you do not recommend 5-htp fpr long time use.
Because of the risk of side effects.
I have eaten them since June ore July. I don´t really want to take them because of the side effects (tired and low libido) if I don´t need to but think if I do because of the pain?
Again give the tyrosine a few weeks to build up dopamine levels.
ore Should I keep on trying L-tyrosine for a week to see if it gets better.
Tyrosine does not work for pain immediately. It takes at least 2 weeks.
I also have to say that I have tried weelbutrine (also for dopamine) and got real bad side effects like a real hard time breething and a horrible pain in my back and arms.
What do you think?
Magnesium malate and malic acid are also effective for fibromyalgia if this is what is going on. TMG can also help with dopamine formation.
Forgot to say that I´m living in an extrem stressful situation and as always i feel it in my body and not in my mind/brain............ That is really hard on your adrenal glands. So it would definitely help to focus on building up your adrenals. |
:) one more thing before you answer - don´t really understand what TMG does. Can itreally built upp the receptors so that I won´t need supplements lika 5-htp and l-tyrosine in the long run?
TMG is a methyl donor. So it donated methyl groups that are required for the production of various substances in the body and reactions. For example the production of hormones and neurotransmitters.
But you still need the building blocks for the production of the neurotransmitters. For dopamine this is tyrosine, and for serotonin this is tryptophan.