I would like to try
Iodine for my PCOS, I'm aware that I likely also have hypothyroid and insulin resistance and would like to address those as well through iodine. I've already posted my questions in the
Iodine forum but was wondering if anyone else with PCOS had anything to add.
I've already made the diet and exercise changes, but I need to do everything I can to address all my symptoms. I'm 25 and I've got cysts, weight troubles(not out of control) , hair growth on my face which is getting worse, acne, no energy, tired, severe brain foggness and memory troubles, just to name a few.
-What is the best
Iodine for me to take? One site said it's best to take both magnascent iodine and
SSKI . Would this be correct?
-I saw NAC (N-acteyl-cysteine) mentioned, which said it was good for PCOS. Can I take this as well as iodine? Or would that be overdoing it?
-What companion supplements should I take, and how much? I've seen different ones mentioned. (vitamin C, selenium methionine, niacin, vitamin b2, zinc, magnesium) Would anything else help? Are there any of these I don't need?
-Do I have to buy most of these companion supplements separatly or is there something available thst combines them?
Thanks in advance.