I thought it might be helpful for others who are interested, to post my response to a pm I received asking for info about whether or not
cavitation surgery was able to resolve health issues for my husband and myself...
As for noticeable symptoms go, our list of complaints was short. It had only been ten years since I had my wisdom teeth removed and 15 years for my husband. If we had waited longer, we could have expected that our list of symptoms could have been greater. They included, sinus infections, over all lack of energy (compared to 10 years ago), mucus running down the back of the throat, digestive issues and an over all feeling of unwellness. Here is a list of common symptoms associated with c's...
"Here is a list of just some of the diseases or symptoms that have been associated with
root canals and cavitations. Because
root canals and cavitations are both so toxic, it is hard to separate one from the other.
anemia, angina, appendicitis, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, colitis, cystitis, diabetes, eczema, endocarditis, epilepsy, gall bladder problems, gout, heart disease, hypertension, hyperthyroid, iritis, migraine, nephritis, neuralgia, neuritis, sinus infection, tachycardia, tonsillitis, varicose veins"
Our thermal scans revealed the damage that the neurotoxins from the cavitation sites were doing to the rest of our bodies as they traveled from the sites of the infections through the central nervous system and lymphatic system. I would recommend that anyone considering having the surgery, have a thermal scan taken before and 9-12 months after to track progress of the healing. I do know based on info I've read, that for one reason or another, 30% of the c-surgeries are not successful the first time. At this point, it has only been 4 months since our surgeries and too early to claim success or failure. The folks at ProvenHealthManagement.com in NC say to give it 9-12 months to allow the sites to heal before having another thermal scan done.
As for a change in noticeable symptoms, I cannot say that I necessarily feel like I have more energy or feel any better than I did before. My husband had a mercury filling removed a few months before so he has been feeling much better since that time. His digestive issues have for the most part been resolved (IBS-type symptoms). We believe that both the
Amalgam removal and the c-surgery have contributed to the positive effect.
We also consider eating mostly organic foods, getting 8 or more hours of sleep, prayer, exercise, managing stress and taking high-quality supplements (PremierResearchLabs.com) to be essential to healing and over all immune function.
There may be other factors involved though. Like for example, since having my surgery, I have tested positive for a gluten sensitivity, which is not surprising since both my siblings have actual Celiac's disease. I also found out that by eating gluten, I was triggering an auto-immune response in the form of Hashimoto's hypothyroid disease. In a person with gluten sensitivity or Celiac's, the body mistakes the thyroid molecule for the gluten molecule b/c the structure is very similar, and attacks them the same. I am now working with a naturopath to resolve this issue which is also effecting my blood/sugar balance and adrenal gland function. This could explain why I have had an over all lack of energy necessary to exercise regularly, cold hands and feet, difficulty staying asleep and waking up feeling tired. A person who tests positive for either one but stop eating gluten immediately and never eat it again if they want to regain full function of their immune system. You can order a gluten sensitivity test directly from EnteroLabs.com rather than going through a doctor. It saved me time and $$$ and the results are MUCH MORE ACCURATE than a BLOOD TEST which will only confirm if you have actual CELIAC'S DISEASE. You don't want to wait until that much damage has been done to find out if you need to stop eating gluten.
For more info on this, please check out the Underground Wellness interview on BlogTalkRadio.com in the interviews with Dr. Kharrazian and Dr. Walsh.