Bob -
Thanks a lot for posting this information. I will be sure to spread the good word.
Not to argue a bit with what is working, but if I might add: putting colloidal silver and colloidal gold in the dog's drinking water might supercharge the treatment. The combination of the two work wonders for canine and human arthritis and have been proven to be effective against canine hip dysplasia too. Colloidal silver helps heal tissue and is especially valuable for nerves (studies in Hungary found specific receptors for silver on human nerve tissue). Colloidal gold is very good for the joints and is even used in mainstream medicine to treat arthritis. As an added bonus, many people who give colloidal silver to older dogs and cats report that they have renewed vigor and friskiness the likes of which they have not seen in years.
Other thoughts are:
I agree wholeheartedly about avoiding canned and dry dog food, but believe that a dog's diet can benefit from up to 15% or more of vegetables and fruits such as are found in the BARF diet.
You might also add some of the papain to the diet to better help internally and also perhaps some good probiotics to help keep the intestinal flora balanced healthily. Good digestive enzymes, of which papain is one, may not only help with dissolving the calcium but will also help dissolve any old scar tissue that may have formed.
Added whole food silica would likely be a big plus too. The same with hyaluronic acid. Silica is extremely important for good bone, joint and cartilage health and hyaluronic acid is a proven joint aid that helps lubricate the joints.
That seems like a lot of DMSO, though I can understand due to the way it is quickly absorbed into the skin. Which brings a caution: DMSO is a super-penetrant and it will dissolve and take almost everything it comes into contact with and carry it deep into the skin when applied. Thus one should be careful to wash their hands before applying it as well as storing it in a glass or ceramic container.
One way to make the DMSO go quite a bit farther is to mix a smaller amount with the magnesium oil and with the papain when you are applying those.
Again, not arguing with success - just making suggestions that I hope will be helpful.
All the best,