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Guardian Elders: Addendum information to our prior Communique: Additional research that has come to us by way of our Heavenly Father deals with the undisclosed and/or buried history of the first arrangements made for the 'trade and commerce' originally on "The Great Turtle Island" during the mid-14th Century (over 130 years before Columbus and the European corporate invasion) when the High King Chief of Ireland (the original surety for the trade and commerce on these lands under the "original" Hudson's Bay Trust) married the daughter of a Mohawk Chief at the Bay of Quinty, where they settled. There was a subsequent 'usurpation' (hostile take-over) of that first Hudson's Bay Trust and the sovereign authority. There was a murder and genocide of the Irish/Mohawk royal family by the "English", who took control and reorganized that first Hudson's Bay Trust under admiralty. Once in control, they buried the trail of murder, theft and genocide. (Hawaii is not the only land that has a 'sovereign royal family'.) Based on these facts, we must urgently inform you that the "Republics" are in debt to the heirs of the Hudson's Bay Trust and the Original Peoples of the Great Turtle Island, which includes the unpaid treaties that must be settled before any claims can be disbursed to other claimants. (it is now understood, the name "Indian" was misapplied by Columbus and Europeans to the Original Peoples of these lands). After the war for independence the colonies owed a war debt to the French branch of the Rothshild banking family who refused to finance the new Republics forcing them to renegotiate that debt with the king and the British branch of the Rothshild banking family. After the war of 1812 the central bank was once again chartered. As you may be aware the reorganization that ensued (after the Civil War) is what brought about the new debt funding system and the federal military "democracy" that developed with the reconstruction Acts of 1860’s and culminated with the New Deal of the 1930’s, and the pattern was set... Throughout this entire period, and to this day, the Original Peoples live, for the most part, in third and fourth world conditions, suffering wars, dislocations (theft of lands), unrelenting poverty but still remain albeit decimated and emotionally damaged. Nevertheless they are key to the future of the united states on Turtle Island because they are the true sovereigns on these lands... since the lands were stolen from them by dubious treaties without the consent of the "Clan Mothers". We must all do everything we can to correct these horrific crimes; or, we, on these lands will never know the peace we seek for us and our children. We are including copy of a recent letter to the "World Court" and some historical information of the Iroquois Confederacy's Law of Peace (the style of governance from which the "founding father" modeled and created their Republic). It is important that we extend ourselves to include in our deliberations our red brothers and sisters in this great work in creating a new frame work for self governance that is inclusive and honors our faiths and traditions and establishes the corrections of the usurped jurisdictions upon these lands. We thank you, again, and send Blessings and safety from the Almighty and Merciful YHWH... josé-antonio & anna-maria:)
From: Jose Rey <yahseph@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 11:07 AM
Subject: Fwd: Private Sovereign Communique - All Rights Reserved - Iroquois Info
To: Tim Turner <jtturner022@yahoo.com>, "Dr. Kennedy" <Restore.America@hotmail.com>