I haven't been able to find the so-called "Affidavit". In the above video, Irish, the real father, had corrected himself on that video by saying it was a PETITION.
Anyways, I found this article about CPS having taken Stephanie's other children on a previous date due to abuse. http://www.wmur.com/news/25340240/detail.html
Stephanie Taylor and Johnathan Irish of Epsom, who protested with others outside of Concord Hospital on Friday, say their baby was taken into custody. Taylor says her two sons were removed from her care in 2009 because of abuse by a caretaker.
Irish denies any abuse. He said court paperwork cited his involvement with the Oath Keepers.
Child protection matters are confidential. But Lorraine Bartlett with the Division For Children Youth And Families said a child cannot be removed based on a parent's affiliation with an organization.