Bowel Cleanses will have you running for the toilet at odd times... that is just part of the drill. You MUST establish good bowel habits.
In other words, when you have to go, go... do not hold it... this is VERY bad... and one reason why you now have problems with constipation - you have ignored your body's needs and signals for a long time.
Best and cheapest controllable method is to:
Eat lots of organic leafy greens; cook any dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, chard, etc. and eat them with a good healthy fat like pasture fed dairy butter... the fat helps to release for absorption, things like vitamins A, D, K, and helps to better absorb all the minerals in the foods.
The fat will also help to release bile from the liver... which will help as well.
If that does not get you the desired results... Use a pinch of
Epsom Salts in your water throughout the day... adjust amounts to suit your needs... increase amounts until you reach desired results. It should not take more than a teaspoonful a day.
Alternatively, you can use a pinch of
Epsom Salts on your foods. soups, stews, etc. Not enough to taste is still effective in most cases.
If your stool becomes too loose, back off on the amount of
Epsom Salts . If you need to buffer the taste a bit, a pinch of sodium bicarbonate should do it.
Both of these suggestions will work when done right... and will offer you a level of control one does not have with many of the other methods you have likely read about.