What is abx??
I did Bob Beck for the 6 weeks and continued for 12 as suggested for yeast. I got better but stress, loosing my job due to health reasons, selling home and packing and moving and now living with elderly parents has greatly affected sypmtoms. Parents are allowing me to live in their home but not supportive of alternative treatments. Getting to all my appts has been exhausting and then adding in water therapy helped but exhaused me. My whole day is dedicated to exercise and medical appts. It has taken me 6 months to even out and then I started a very strong version of artiminisin and health declined.
I did not try after I was diagnosed with lyme because docs and accupunturist were concerned with me doing too much.
I still thought it was an option and wanted to know if anyone has had any success with Bob Beck and lyme. Bob Beck is complicated and I was hoping for some success stories to give me inspiration to dedicate the next 12 weeks of my life to the 2 hr/day blood zapping and other protocal requirements.
What do you mean by therapies?
I have a back and neck disc problems for 15 yrs.
I'm doing chiro, acupuncture, massage, water therapy and started up yoga. I plan on starting up weight lifting as soon as I am strong enough.
Is this the therapy you are recommending?