After reading author, Fred Hughes' book, "Am I Dead Or Do I Just Feel Like It?", last year, I made the trip to Proven Health Management ( in North Carolina to have a full body thermal imaging scan done as well as a number of different systems and organs tests, and blood and urine analysis.
Having had my wisdom teeth extracted about 10 years by an oral surgeon using the ADA recommended methods, I knew based on the research done by Dr. Robert Dowling, a bio-scientist, I was a prime candidate for oral cavitations. Cavitations being infections in the jawbone caused by incomplete tooth extractions, root canals, crowns, caps and sometimes trauma to the mouth (like an accident) that does damage to the root of a tooth. Based on what I've read, Dr. Dowlings' research has proven that cavitations produce neurotoxins which travel trough the central nervous system and lymphatic system and cause disease in other parts of the body.
My thermal imaging scans revealed that I had inflammation/infection in my mouth that was traveling from both sides of my mouth up into my sinus cavity and down both sides of my neck and concentrating in my left breast area. Because I had taken early, preventative action and choose to have a
cavitation surgery by a trained dentist, it was more than likely that once the infection in my former wisdom tooth sites was removed, the areas of inflammation/infection would clear up on their own if given enough time. This would depend of course on my having a strong, healthy immune system. I was fortunate that no lump or mass had formed in my breast yet.
It is still too early to tell if the surgery was a complete success. I am planning to have another thermal scan done about 9-12 months after the date of my surgery. Since having the surgery in June of this year, I have been hoping that my experience would benefit others who may have cavitations and don't yet know it. Just this week, I met a woman who had received surgery for a cancerous tumor next to her pancrease that effected her stomach and intestines. I was able to share with her my experience and the connection that has been made between the mouth and the body in reference to disease.
Come to find out, she had all 4 wisdom teeth removed about 20 years ago not to mention a number of toxic mercury (amalgam) fillings in her mouth. Since talking to me, listening to Fred's interview on Underground Wellness's radio program on, and reading Fred's book, she has decided to make the trip to NC next week. With the support of her husband, she will receive a thorough screening of her entire body which includes the thermal imaging scans to help give a "big picture" view of what is going on inside her body and how her cavitations may be effecting her overall health.
As I am sure you folks may be interested to find out how her visit goes, I will plan to post an update after she returns. If you have any questions, please feel free to post them here on the open forum or PM me to my inbox.