mortal minds errorfully believe disease is contagious, what a harmfull errorful belief.
mortal mind must believe good health is contagious and dis-ease is a lie.
a lie exposed is 2/3rds destroyed, the last 1/3 of a lie destroys itself.
how healthful man would be if he believed good health was contagious.
if mortal minds thought correctly, used thier DIVINE MIND, there would be no disease no suffering, and no need for a zillion dollar false idol worshipping business of disease, drugs, docs quacks and other false idol believers and healers.
mortal minds are full of erring black tree sick thought, this erring mortal mind must be replaced by divine mind/green tree good thought for total healing and health.
if you want a healthful low cost diet program, one that is from Gods great bounty, see max gerson diet and gerson recipes online.
clean your mind/thoughts, clean your body of man made inventions aka false idol fake food. use this protocol for 3 weeks or 3 months to see the change from error to truth.