hi all.
i would apologize for not answering recent questions and emails and such but i truly have not been ignoring you folks - i have been paying attention to my family and new grandson instead. i am only human.
so dont give up on me. if i dont get back to you today maybe i missed something. feel free to contact me again. i have been able to check current events and post that stuff on my forum but i rarely have the time and composure to answer important stuff like health and iodine. those things you just cant "wing" and make do. there are several people i am already working with via email or on the phone that get priority as well. i am peddling as fast as i can.
all orders get addressed promptly because money is involved and i know how hard that is to come by these days.
i also wish to thank all the frequent posters here who answer questions. when it sounds right to me i just let it go(or give it a rating). there is a tremendous pool of knowledge and experience here, beyond what any one individual could accomplish. i am so very grateful for you all, my friends and fellow researchers and seekers of the truth. may god bless you all as he has my little grandson, who is, by the way, still the picture of a perfect human being in the infant stage. i have more pics this week, too.
carry on.
trapper out.