Hi Nefertilia,
My first flush was Dr. Claude Lewis' flush, and I did great on it. If I remember, he says to use way more
OO (Olive-Oil) and juice than anyone else. Maybe that is good, to lubricate the area and also give more contractions, etc.
I know some people don't like to mix different 'protocols' for this, but I have had the most success sort of mixing Hulda's, Julia's and Dr. Lewis'. Mostly, I use Hulda's, because I do use the
Black-Walnut . I like Julia's herbal tinctures, and keep them on hand. I do ES the night before to open the ducts, and then I'm now careful in the a.m. to see if I want or need to use more ES. But I have not recently been doing the a.m. ES, and am just drinking very scant salt water (Himalayan pink salt, but celtic
Sea Salt is great too). I found that the ES again in the a.m. was just too severe for me. (I appreciate the comments and admonitions of others on this forum re using ES in the a.m., so I still keep it handy in case I need it or want to use it. I just think that it was overload on my system, so I try to be careful not to overdo, and not to 'under'-do the ES. I don't want a stuck stone, but I also don't want to overtax my kidneys, wipe out my electrolytes, or get severe diarrhea as I have previously. Need to weigh both extremes for ourselves, I guess and just be careful).
Someone on this site recommended taking Malic acid capsules(the acid found in apples)and that seems to be helping me inbetween flushes. My digestion improved, and my stomach went down a bit(was still somewhat distended) and so I probably had cholesterol stones letting down from the liver and they were in the duct. Nothing painful AT ALL, but probably just enough to gunk up the works and inhibit bile and enzyme flow.
I know that some people on this site are very dogmatic about following only one protocol at a time. But there are so many different ones, and also this is a very old folk remedy, and I'm sure that people have succeeded in doing this a zillion different ways throughout time / history. Hulda didn't discover this flush, and while I esteem her greatly, her very own emails say the following:
With warmest greetings
Dr. Clark Information Center
Disclaimer and Notice: I am not a medical doctor. This is not medical advice, but merely a reference to Dr. Clark's findings. For medical advice, consult with your physician. Please note that reference to Dr. Clark's findings does not necessarily imply that these findings have been corroborated by other scientists. Other scientists may disagree. Dr. Clark’s research is based on bio feedback. Both bio feedback research as well as the case studies in Dr. Clark’s books are not considered scientific by US Government authorities.We do not make any promises with regards to products mentioned. Note that in the US the zapper and the MiniFG are not medical devices and we can't advocate them for medical use.
So, I think that we need to either consult a medical practitioner for specific advice regarding our condition, or read a lot and self-diagnose and self-treat at our own risk. What works for someone else may not work for me, and vice versa.
Therefore, I personally am fine-tuning the flush to my own needs, and I feel very good about the combination of these different 'protocols' that I am doing. I hope that you find just the right flush combo for your needs. BTW...I never used ES the first time doing Dr. Lewis' flush protocol and I did GREAT and got a ton of stones. While I wouldn't recommend that to someone else, I do have to say that in his book copyrighted in the '80's, he states that he did over 1000 flushes with people in his practice. He had great success with them the way he did them, and I think that he was doing them way before some of these other people were.