Question 1: Do probiotics colonize the food we eat as it gets digested and moves through our intestinal tract?
Answer 1: Yes, provided the strains used multiply faster than the time it takes the food to move through the intestinal tract. Certain strains have generation times of 2-3 hours in the intestinal tract (the time it takes them to double their number) and this is short enough to get growth in the food as it moves along. Others have much longer in vivo generation times and do not colonize the food. Ability to colonize this way may have great value in offsetting food poisoning!
Question 2: What other areas do probiotics colonize in the intestinal tract?
Answer 2: There are many areas or niches: Probiotics colonize the mucin layers that cover the intestinal walls, the finger-like extensions in the small intestine called villi (and microvilli), the crypts or gaps between the villi, the sack above the appendix called the cecum, the cells on the wall of the colon, and fecal matter as it forms in the colon. The sum of all these colonization events is called your I.P.C or Internal Probiotic Culture, the more extensive the better.
Question 3: Is there a way to measure the amount of total probiotic colonization that is occurring?
Answer 3: Probiotics are strains of lactic acid bacteria meaning they make lactic acid, one way to get a measure of total colonization is to check fecal pH on a regular basis before and then while you are taking probiotics. A drop in pH of around 0.5 pH units is a good indication that effective colonization is taking place.
Question 4: Is the number of CFU consumed as important as some companies claim?
Answer 4: It is very important, scientists have found that 10 billion CFU (colony forming units) is the minimum effective dose that should be taken daily. Remember, there are approximately 100 trillion wild bacteria in the human intestinal tract, 10 billion probiotics represent only 0.1% of this number (see
for more on this). Products that contain less than 10 billion CFU per dose will function very ineffectively.
Question 5: Are their any mineral supplements that that boost the effectiveness of probiotics?
Answer 5: Calcium and magnesium supplements enhance probiotic colonization in the intestinal tract, these positively charged minerals help negatively charged probiotic cells stick to negatively charged epithelial cells on the intestinal wall. They act as positive ionic bridges.
Question 6: What difference will I see in my stools when I have a good probiotic implant in my intestinal tract?
Answer 6: The stools tend to become longer with significantly less odor as probiotic colonization develops.
Question 7: How can probiotics help increase my energy level and reduce fatigue?
Answer 7: When you have an effective probiotic implant (optimum colonization) your intestinal niches are healthy and absorption of critical nutrients occurs more effectively, better nutrition reduces fatigue and increases your energy.
Question 8: How long do probiotics last in my intestinal tract if I stop taking them?
Answer 8: Not long, most are lost due to death and replacement of the intestinal epithelial cells that they are attached to, this occurs within a week or so. High potency probiotics need to be taken at least once weekly.
Question 9: What is a probiotic strain?
Answer 9: A probiotic strain is a version of a probiotic species that has some unique genetic characteristic that sets it apart from other members of the same species. For example, with Lactobacillus paracasei F-19, paracasei is the species while F-19 denotes the strain. It turns out that this particular strain in much more effective as a probiotic than other paracasei strains. Probiotics should be listed with strain identifications on product labels!
Question 10: How does acid proofing with biogels such as sodium alginate protect and deliver a probiotic better than enteric coatings?
Answer 10: Biogels using sodium alginate (see
for more on this) actually form their protective, buffered coating immediately upon entering the stomach and then hold onto the probiotic cells and time-release them once they get into the intestinal tract. Enteric coatings are painted on the outside of probiotic capsules and offer much less protection without the dual benefit of delayed delivery.
Question 11: What is the best prebiotic to take with probiotics?
Answer 11: One that contains Inulin and/or PHGG (partially hydrolyzed guar gum). These two oligosaccharide carbohydrates best stimulate probiotics without encouraging intestinal gas (see
for more on this).
Question 12: Do fiber digesting enzymes help probiotics?
Answer 12: Yes, they actually release and modify dietary fiber making it more bioavailable for probiotics. In other words, they release prebiotics from our diet. A mixture of fiber digesting enzymes like cellulase, hemicellulase, pectinase and xylanase along with soluble fiber sources like Inulin and PHGG provide a potent dual prebiotic effect (see
for more on this).
Question 13: Do probiotics actually kill pathogenic bacteria like Salmonella?
Answer 13: There is some killing of pathogens caused by the lactic acid and other metabolites produced by probiotics but competitive exclusion seems to be the most significant modality by which probiotics function against pathogens: when probiotics get to and colonize a spot on the intestinal wall first, they own it.
Question 14: Are probiotics that do not require refrigeration as good as those that do?
Answer 14: No is the simple answer. All probiotics are perishable and require refrigeration for best results. Short periods at room/shipping temperatures are acceptable if the probiotics are packaged in amber glass bottles and flushed with nitrogen, like with Theralac® (see
Question 15: Is a multi-strain probiotic better than a single strain product?
Answer 15: Yes, a multi-strain probiotic that contains both Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains covers the entire intestinal tract, single strain products cover only a portion of the intestinal tract. Lactobacillus strains prefer the small intestine, Bifidobacteria prefer the colon.
Question 16: Does a CFU contain more than one live probiotic cell?
Answer 16: Often it does. Take Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-1 for example, the cells of this strain form chains where 3-4 cells commonly make up one chain. Such a chain will grow out on agar on a Petri dish as one CFU.
Question 17: What is the most common effect I will notice if I take a high strength probiotic on a regular basis?
Answer 17: Enhanced regularity with less stress during bowel movements and greater intestinal comfort.
Question 18: What are some of the best prebiotic fruits and veggies to eat when taking probiotics?
Answer 18: Those that contain prebiotics: Bananas, pears, tomatoes, asparagus, barley, oats, onion and garlic are all good.
Question 19: Can you overdose on probiotics, like take too many CFU?
Answer 19: Not really. Babies have been given a trillion CFU with no harm. Ultra high doses will give some people diarrhea or may cause constipation in others. These conditions correct when the dose is reduced. It is important for a person to find the dose program that best suits their particular intestinal condition.
Question 20: What is the Herxheimer Reaction?
Answer 20: When some people (about 5% of the population) take a high potency probiotic (one containing 10 billion CFU or more per capsule) for the first time they experience diarrhea with bloating and gas, sometimes cramping with a headache. What’s happening is the probiotic is killing off undesirable microorganisms such as Candida faster than the body can eliminate them. So dead toxic Candida byproducts are hanging around and making us feel bad. This means the probiotic is working so stay with it! The dose can be reduced (like to one capsule every-other-day) until symptoms improve. Drink lots of water and eliminate
Sugar while this is occurring. \