This is an excellent thread for me right now. My father and older sister are both terrible narcisists. Horrible horrible abuse on me and others that I witnessed. Somehow I have picked up the trait and am terribly abusive to myself. Hate that I am a sociopath. Like I work when I am too sick to work and beat up on myself when I should just stop what I am doing as I can't go further. Beat the dead horse story. I remember breaking my toe while working with my father and he kept making me work. Horrible man he was. Or torturing us to it hurt so bad all I could do is laugh. I do that now.
So, my goal is to break his habit and be more empathetic towards my Inner Child who I beat up all the time. She feels me victimizing her all the time and I just laugh. I think others pick up I do this to her and do it also. It makes me want to hide. Not protecting her.