Medical History
Mono, HPV and Tachycardia/Fixed through electric operation.
Hi my name is Aaron Abner
My first symptoms were the inability to process alcohol, followed by sternum popping over the coarse of 4 years. Then my symtoms took a turn for the worse. I got a cold and started taking therea flu. The same night I went out to have some drinks. The next morning I had a normal hang over followed by body temp drop intense fear spitting up bile and delusion. I though I was going to die. It took 2 days to recover. The same thing happened 2 weeks later when I drank coffee. I quit drinking alcohol and coffee and it went away for a year. It sprung back up when I started using Anavar A mild anabolic steroid and was rushed to the ER. They found nothing wrong, blood test was normal after quitting Anavar. The third attack happend with dark chocolate and pop. Iv always had bad heartburn so a year later one day i decided to try Betaine HCL to aid with acid.
When I first started taking betaine HCL with pepsin for heart burn I felt more incredible than iv ever felt in my life. My mood was incredible my energy, stamina , even my sight was better.My taste and my breathing along with my heart beat was insane. I would spring out of bed feeling like super man almost drunk with good feeling. It was insane to say the least. Then within one week it started to change, I started getting heart burn again, panic attacks, weakness x2 from what I felt before I started taking them.But it wasent the attacks that I had before 3 year prior. Then I quit taking them. Now I dont have heart burn but every time I eat I get sick with stomach pain. It felt like my stomach was dead. Like its quit producing acid. So I tripled the dose and felt slightly better. I know it was suppressed because I could take 16 with no heart burn but I dont feel incredible like I did before. When I started I only took one each meal. So I tryed somthing else to see if it would help. I started taking ox bile. I had the same attack that I had 3 years ago a and I know that it has to do with my liver and billirubin levels in the blood. This could be the answer I was looking for to fix. My liver cant process the extra bile that im intaking for some reason. I dont have jaundice but iv read that not everybody gets jaundice. My symptoms are lowered body temp coldness, intense fear, weakness dizziness. Could i have a liver problem? Iv been checked for hep and didnt have it. I did have mono a long time ago. And how did the betaine make me feel so good at first. Could there be a connection? Could the betaine have been ridding my body of bile, then when my natural production of acid stopped, my bile count and billiruben went up it caused an attack? I know i need to see a gastro doc but i have to wait a while cause i have no money. Also when I first started taking the betaine HCL the pressure pain in my abdomen vanished. The last symptom that iv have is popping and cracking in my back when I take a breath. Its not my spine cracking it feels like something else but its loud. I feel pressure all day and night in the right middle side of my back. And every morning when i wake up i take a deep breath and it pops loud with no pressure relief.Iv been tested for gallbladder stones through an ultra sound and nothing was found. PLEASE HELP!!!