Talkshoe Conference Call Tonight (WEDNESDAY) at 8pm!
Got Foreclosure?
Then this is for you! Its free. Its about people helping people.
The united states dejure government is putting together a networking system for people that have a desire to STOP THE FRAUD and get back to re-inhabiting the offices of the de jure government of republics throughout the counties across this country.
Visit the website to find out more
If you got foreclosure problems then the unitedstatesdejuregovernment.com needs to know a few things – i.e. lending institution, what kind if difficulty you are having, etc. If you fit the bill, then you could be part of a new project that will be starting up soon. Put Forecloser in the subject line and send an email: stopthefraud2010@yahoo.com
The website also needs to have people in the various counties across America send newspaper information (name, address, contact person) of the county in which you live in, especially the smaller, local newspapers, as well as the larger ones. Send this information to a different email address: theusdejuregovernment@yahoo.com